CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Seek Out Magic

In your relationships, in your work and in play. Seek out magic. Look for those little sparks of joy and excitement. Find them for the first time or rekindle them. Magic is such a wonderful thing. Don’t let it disappear.


Call Someone Special Today

It could be a parent, child or sibling. Maybe an old boss. Perhaps a friend you’ve not seen for a while.

Whoever you decide it should be, call them today. Even if it’s for 10 minutes.

You’ll delight them!



Christmas Eve. Your birthday. An exciting holiday. A pay raise. New job. New Year’s Eve. Your date arriving. Needing the loo. Your teacher calling on you to speak. The big game. New clothes or a sunny day. The weekend.

What else creates palpable anticipation?! Drop your comment below.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

When You’re Tired, Go To Bed!

Sometimes you have a deadline and need to work through it. But maybe do it for just a few nights. Don’t make emergencies a habit.

Get good rest, stay healthy and alert and also feel much better. Stop scrolling, watching or gaming and get some ?’s. Sleep is essential and lovely. Go to bed!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

What Are You Avoiding?

A tough conversation, an uncomfortable discussion, admin, taxes, challenging work, health and fitness or even me-time can be avoided when we aren’t ready to face reality.

Turn into it. Stand up straight. Take a deep breath. Say, “I can do this.” And say, “Things will be fine.” Then go sort that thing you’ve been avoiding. You’ll feel better. #Go!

(anyone else tick ✅ All of the Above in that first paragraph? ?)

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Celebrate Milestones!

This is my 731st daily post. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my daily blogging. I said I’d do one year and that would be a real accomplishment. Then I developed discipline, a habit and a winning streak and out popped another 365!

I’ve enjoyed writing the posts and I hope many people have enjoyed reading them and got some value from them.

I have 551 draft, or partially drafted, blog posts in my folder. I might use some of those for this 3rd year of blogging. Many were harder to write as they were controversial or required a level of research or nuance in writing them well.

Perhaps this will be the year to let a few of those loose.

I’ve also got a new book written, published and available for pre-order at many online bookstores large and small. Amazon, Waterstones, Barnes&Noble and Chapters/Indigo are a few.

There’s a hardback, paperback and an ebook version at the moment. The official launch date for Achieve Anything is the 23rd January. Look into picking up a copy.

An audiobook version is on the cards but will take more time than I can swing at the moment. It’s something for everyone to look forward to. ?

So I’m delighted with today’s milestone, with the blog, and with having a book available on Amazon.

I look forward to helping more people think better to feel better, open their minds even more and achieve their dreams with 7 simple steps.

Here’s to you in 2022!

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Plan So You Don’t Use Up Your Luck

Not planning is easier in the moment. You have more fun time, free time, or stress free time. But, sometimes things then happen that you would have foreseen with a plan. So now you hope and pray you get a little unexpected intervention or luck.

That’s one way to live your life. It’s a little more dramatic, exciting and stressful. And if you enjoy stress and uncertainty, maybe that’s the way to go.

However, if calm, relaxed and controlled is what you would like more of, then get planning. It will force you to THINK about the whole picture a bit more. Then you can assess what you will need to OVERCOME and how you might be able to do that.

Then take these thoughts and quickly WRITE them out. Writing brings clarity to your thoughts and allows you to REVIEW your thoughts in note format. Then you can challenge what you wrote and even confirm certain assumptions or guesses.

Now you have the ingredients for a PLAN. Take those written notes from your initials thoughts and challenges to overcome and organise them a little better on a new page. Chronological order is good. Timeframes, cashflows and the effort required will become much clearer.

You will now need less luck and divine intervention. There will be less stress because you have a roadmap. You know where you’ll eat, get petrol and arrive. You can enjoy the journey much more rather than feel anxious throughout.

Then you can use your good luck when you really need it. Not simply because you didn’t want to put the effort into a plan.
