CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

The 1%

The media and many people spend too much time on the wrong 1%. Focusing on the wealthiest 1% generally breeds jealousy, envy, greed and contempt. Who does that really help?

The 1% we should be focusing on is the 1% that has a criminal element. And that should be the sole metric. If they do criminal activity, you throw the book at them. Only those that consistently demonstrate a desire to reform have the potential for any leniency. Like law and order used to be.

Treat all criminals the same, without exception for race, religion, or nationality and you will reduce social unrest immediately. People want equality under the law for everyone. No special treatment.

The people who are protesting now were simply sitting at home 3 and 10 weeks ago. They were not in the news.

But then the police and media and government seemed to be playing around with a very tragic situation which stirred things up. Stop doing that. These three institutions need to do better: and quickly please.

CategoriesGratitudeProgressThink About It

Book Update: #1 Bestseller!!! ?

My thinking has been very much on my book for the last 24 hours. So I’m sharing my success with you. Especially as many of you reading this have helped make this happen.

Sunday night, after writing my previous blogpost, I did some more poking around online. I discovered that Achieve Anything had reached #1 on three Amazon bestsellers lists in Japan!!! The first time I’ve seen the book reach #1. Super exciting!

Yes, it’s not the Sunday Times Bestseller List, but I still have that to come. Importantly, I am celebrating reaching another new milestone in my book / author path. So I’m doing as I say, because Step 7 in the book is Celebrate ?.

So now I’ve been on 14 best seller lists in 7 countries (US, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, India and Japan) with three of those being #1 spots in Japan.

So thank you all for buying the book, sharing the book, putting a rating or review on Amazon, giving me feedback, liking or sharing my reel or other activities that may have helped achieve these brilliant milestones!

Goals ahead: Record the audiobook this week. Heading into the studio with Zoe Tuesday. Encourage more people to add a rating or review on Amazon so I shift from 20 5-star ratings to 50 soon (go put one up!). Reach #1 on more Bestseller lists. Let’s go!