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In 20 Years

What do you want your life to be like? Where do you want to be? Physically? Financially? Relationships? Work? Career? Hobbies? Family? Health? Fitness?

Take your current age and add 20 years. If you’re 43, add 20 and visualise your life at 63. List out what your life is like. Write it down. Note the clothes you’re wearing, your fitness, how relaxed you are, where you live (sea, mountain, warm, cool), how you spend your days and how delighted you are with life.

Think about your future. Visualise the dream. Add in all the detail. Make it very real and clear to see, not just the idle, transitory thought.

If you want that life in 20 years, what will you need to adjust to get there? Save and invest more of your income? Change some habits? Learn to delegate better and feel good about it? Outsource?

Make these changes now and work on the changes through till Christmas. Then sacrifice and discipline into 2023 so that by the end of that year, you are well on your way to that dream life. Then keep improving every year for 19 more years. I know you’ll make. You can achieve anything that you want bad enough. Especially in 20 years. Go!