As always, it depends. What are the details?
Sleep is great if you’ve just achieved something worthwhile to you. Though, so is celebrating! (Step 7 in my book)
As always, it depends. What are the details?
Sleep is great if you’ve just achieved something worthwhile to you. Though, so is celebrating! (Step 7 in my book)
To build good habits, achieve or succeed, you need to show up. This means you do it even when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes this even means you need to go in the rain.
I’m reminded of this as it was raining this morning. You may recall a recent post about early morning walks. These are always easier when it is light out, it’s a nice temperature and it’s dry.
It is more difficult to get up and go when it is dark, cold or wet. And it’s certainly more challenging when it is all three. I’m reminded of my marathon training a couple of years ago. It was in the winter so there were a few days that were all three. And getting up at 05:00 to face the elements in the dark and run 18 km would sometimes make it less appealing.
However, you need to push through. Be consistent and persistent and you can achieve the goals you want. You will develop the habits you need to and it will happen sooner. But you need to make a plan, put it in the diary and stick to it.
Your confidence grows if you stick to your plan. Alternatively, your confidence can shrink if you do not. In that case, your hard work can start to unravel. We certainly don’t want that.
So, as we did this morning, go in the rain.
When did you last do this? It can change your life if you do it. Many people are so busy getting through life, they don’t stop and think.
Take 15 minutes later this evening and consider some things. If you are really brave, get a pen and some paper and write out your thoughts. I say brave because it is rarely comfortable confronting the brutal facts of reality.
Now I suggest you write out some of the great highlights of your life first. You may be able to note down 12 years of schooling or an advanced degree. Perhaps you’ve travelled or have had an illness you’ve had to overcome. Maybe you donated some money to a friend that was doing some fundraising. You may also have maintained a successful relationship, built a career, bought a house, raised good children or simply made it through life to here.
Well congratulations! There are so many skills you have and so many more you could acquire. You are far better and more impressive than you give yourself credit for. And you can do so much more than you even begin to imagine.
Recall all those times you got the thing you wanted. You bought the car, went to the concert, got the job or went out on that date. When you really wanted something, you went after it. You got it or something similar.
What else do you really want? How serious are you about it?
Stop and think. You can achieve anything.
Now, go make it happen.
Achieving a goal starts with the idea. But where do you go from there? How to achieve your dream, or anything you want, comes down to a simple process.
That process is like the one for anything else in life. What are the steps to getting dressed in the morning? How does a person book a meeting with three others or a holiday for the family? When you think about it, you will notice the same steps repeating over and over again.
I have distilled this specific process down to seven steps. I have outlined and further highlighted these steps in my forthcoming book, Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. You can sign up for launch updates at
The seven steps are Think, Overcome, Write, Plan, Act, Review and Celebrate. TOWPARC may not be the sexiest acronym but that’s what it is.
For any achievement you plan to undertake, you will need to think about it and develop a good mindset. You will need to overcome the obstacles in your path, both physical and those in your mind. Like an architect or travel agent, you will need to write out the plan so it is clear to you.
Then you make a plan to work to. This plan could involve hiring tradesmen, buying materials or getting the permit timings just right. For travel, it might involve which clothes and equipment to pack, which airport to use, transfers, hotels and even which local activities to book in advance.
Then you must act and make this plan come to life. As you progress you can review on each step you have made and make any adjustments. Few things go according to plan, so you will need to continually review it and make corrections or improvements. Finally, When you are sitting in your newly built home or enjoying your amazing holiday, remember to celebrate. Celebrate the wins that got you there and the overall win as well.
This is how to achieve your dream.
You may be doing quite a bit. But could you do more? Life is quick and you need to squeeze it all in. Push yourself further than you think you can.
Get down on the floor and do as many press ups as you can. Maybe you did 5, 15 or 63. Is that all you can do? Have another go. Perhaps you did three, eight or 20 this time. Add that to your previous count. Now try one more time. Did you complete two, six or nine?
Sometimes you need a moment’s rest before you can continue onwards. You should exert yourself as much as you can and then you will be able to do more. You can do this with studies, sport and thinking, to name a few categories.
You know you can do more. You don’t fall into bed exhausted at the end of every day. You have a greater capacity to perform. Though you may just be nicely comfortable. You have a routine. Two hours of relax time each day.
I’m all for relax time. Though 90 minutes could be plenty. Use the other 30 minutes to really push harder on something that matters to you. Learn, apply, start, complete, aim and achieve.
Decide this is your year and push yourself further.
That’s right. It doesn’t even matter when you are reading this. Right now you can shift your life onto a new path. Today is the day!
Just saying that phrase can get the excitement levels up. You may also have to contend with some new level of anxiousness. But that is ok. This feeling can be channelled in a positive way. Your body is tingling. Some call it butterflies.
Regardless of what it is, it is more important how you perceive this feeling. And also what you will then do with it. You may simply be excited about getting extra energy into the day and making significant progress.
However, it may also be that you are expanding your comfort zone. This is great news. And of course it will feel a little uncertain or uncomfortable. But don’t focus on that. Or it could grow and get out of control.
Instead, focus that extra adrenaline and energy towards the desired outcome you’re seeking. This is a key step in shifting from uncomfortable to unstoppable. Harness this energy and use it to drive forward toward your desired result. This tactic will bring you one step closer to your goal.
If you do this repeatedly, you will achieve anything.
It is time to start.
Today is the day!
What a great feeling! It doesn’t matter if it is a small or simple goal or a grand, complex one. Achieving your goal usually leaves you feeling amazing.
Try setting yourself a simple goal to start. This is especially useful when embarking on something new. By making it simple and specific, you are more likely to achieve it. And you are more likely to know you achieved it if it is specific.
For example, I set my alarm for 05:30 this morning. I wanted to shift back to an earlier start to my day. It was great. I was able to get up, do my morning routine, get a little work done and be out running by 06:39. It felt so good to have achieved several things before 07:00. And it all started with a simple goal of waking up at 05:30.
From that point, many other small goals were achievable. However, if I had not set that first simple goal, I would not have been able to achieve the others. Or at least not as early in the day as I had done them.
One of the secrets to achieving your goal or goals is to gather momentum. Break a larger task down into smaller, simpler goals. It feels so good to achieve each one, your momentum will carry you through to the finish in no time.
We can read about success. We can read about failure. All the information exists already and can be quickly and easily found.
I have found this information in books, videos, movies and magazines. You can also hear about it on podcasts and watch it on YouTube.
It is truly amazing what life changing information, tips, philosophies, examples and opportunities you can find if you simply start looking.
Now it helps if you can look with your eyes open and can ask good questions. With Google, you’re first question can even be mediocre. However, by your third search, you could have found what you originally wanted. Often times, I will even find things that were better than what I started looking for.
It helps to have access to the internet or a library. It’s free to get a library card. And once there, you can read books, borrow them (physical, online or In audio format) and in many you can access the internet for free.
It’s up to you to decide what you tune into though.
For example, if you watch scary movies and have nightmares, perhaps you should stop watching scary movies. Assess whether the content you’re consuming is making you a stronger, better person or not.
If you spend your time consuming media, social media and friends’ chats, you may find your opportunities diminishing. It might be fun or distracting, but you’re unlikely to be getting closer to the real results you want.
All the information exists already to get you on the road to your dreams. You just have to go find it and use it. With that knowledge and a little effort, you can achieve anything.
Go change your life now!
I was struck by a post on LinkedIn about how our focus can bring different results. In essence, it was the formula to make it happen, using the topic of weight loss.
It resonated with me as it is in line with one of my chief beliefs about how we can achieve anything. Although humans are quite good at having ideas and starting projects, the difficult bit is usually in the follow through and results.
After all, “Results are the name of the game”, as Jim Rohn would say. However, results can be tricky to get if you are not aware of the pitfalls and distractions.
If you can keep the following key ideas at the top your mind, you are far more likely to achieve anything you need in your life:
That is the formula to make it happen, regardless of whatever your ‘it’ is. Yes, it takes some effort. Yes, you have to do your own pushups. Yes, you have to want it bad enough.
I know you can do it, though. Attack the day and do whatever it takes.
Most people find new things a bit awkward or challenging. If it is exactly your type of thing, maybe not. Otherwise, of course it is uncomfortable.
You could be learning how to ride a bike, solve a Rubik’s cube or do your times tables. Maybe you want to start a business or circumnavigate the globe, but you are not sure how.
Well, first you have to think you can. Next, you will have to prove you want it bad enough. This will become obvious as you will then have to learn some different things. Then you will have to do some different things too. This is rarely easy and of course it is uncomfortable. However, you must press on, as it is the basis of how you #AchieveAnything.
Of course there is more detail, it will be difficult and there will be diversions. There will be plenty of diversions. Like reading this post right now. Get yourself back on track and focused!
Believe, be curious, be done. Repeat. You will get closer to the outcome you want, if you actually work toward it. Put the effort in and thrive.