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Where Will Your Actions Today Take You?

What you do today sows the seeds for your tomorrow. What seeds are you planting? If you’re not planting healthy seeds, don’t expect much in the future. Are you learning new things? Are you acquiring new skills or honing useful ones?

Your application of your knowledge and skills is required to get some feedback and build a brighter future. Sow your seeds of success today and everyday.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

You Do What You Want

I notice that people will listen and then do it their way anyway. There is little interest in doing it another way. You do what you want because that is how you are programmed.

Sure we can listen. And sometimes what is said matches what we want to do. In those instances it looks like we are following the advice given. However, that is not always the case. Often enough, it just happens to be the next thing we were going to do.

What is more easily spotted is when you offer the advice and it is not taken or followed. This usually means that there is no interest in that direction or there is a speed bump.

Often enough this speed bump is some type of fear or shame. It can be overcome. And it will be overcome by those that are unstoppable. Those that are simply uncomfortable may not find the strength to get past the speed bump.

It is an ‘I think I do’ want it gap. I just don’t want it so bad that I am willing to get quite uncomfortable over it.

I like to travel in comfort but not if it is going to the wrong destination. Get clear on your vision, put the extra daily effort in and do what is best to get you there.

But you do what you want.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Words You Choose Define You

Listen to the words you use. Notice which words others select for their articles and speeches. The words you choose define you.

Remember that what you direct your mind to focus on, your brain will execute. Your mind will also absorb what it sees. Then you tend to become what has been absorbed. So be careful what you watch, read and listen to as it will affect your mood, anxiety and tension.

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”


Recall Anakin was a happy young boy. However Tusken Raiders captured his Mom and tortured her. His fears turned to anger and quickly to intense hate which did indeed lead to suffering. Immediate suffering for the entire Tusken Raider group and extensive long term mental suffering for Anakin.

He said he hated them and they were animals. Then he became what he said they were. His focus on hate led him to became an uncontrollable animal that brought more fear and suffering to more people.

The words you use choose define you. And those you hear, and the pictures you see, have an impact on who you become. If you find yourself feeling a little anxious, tense or moody these days, reduce your exposure to the information you are consuming. Or at least the sources it is coming from.