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50 Is Half Way

It is often said that 40 is mid life. But I’d argue 50 is more the middle. We don’t remember much from under 12. Then 12-18 is a wild ride of changes and growing up, though for most people many things are done for them by parents or boarding school. Food is covered and so is lodging.

So adult and independent years start around 20. Then 20 to 50 is 30 years. And 30 more years puts you at 80. That’s a great lifespan for those that make it.

So 50 is the mid point. Stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally, so you increase your chances of a long and enjoyable life!

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Living To 100 And Beyond

The imaginative people on this planet continue to make progress on so many fronts, especially in the medical field. Living to 100 and beyond is becoming more of a frequent occurrence these days.

And with rumours that 100 is the new 80, it is all very exciting. The perception of ageing is also changing. Many people are still very active in their 70’s and 80’s. Some are surprisingly able through their 90’s and into their 100’s. With all the new replacement parts and better prevention and cures, the idea of ageing is changing.

How many centenarians are there in the UK? Globally? More than many people would expect. (Take a guess before checking the answer at the bottom).

Reaching 100, or beyond, may become less of an issue of physical limitations and more of a mental health and mindset challenge.

For this reason I am angling to reach 160. Aim high! So even if I come up a little short, it will still be quite an impressive run. With that in mind, I am building good habits for the long haul. Both physical and mental habits. I‘ll let you know if I make it. ?

Living to be 100 and beyond is quite an achievement. In 2018 there were 13,170 centenarians in the UK and 499,198 globally. They’re great numbers to build on.
