CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime


What to do and what not to do. Some people accept ageing as a part of the life process while others don’t. Some people may even be happier as they age because they are living longer than some of their less fortunate friends. If they appreciate what they have rather than what they are losing, they will struggle less with the eventualities of life.

Your body and mind may not be what they were, and some decline is inevitable, but you can appreciate what you still have.

Staring mortality in the face is not an easy task. And it would seem natural to be angry, frustrated, upset, disillusioned and startled. It is hard to tell how you will respond to the situation when the endgame becomes obvious.

However, hold your chin up, enjoy what you’ve experienced and role model wisdom and appreciation rather than fear and panic. 10 billion people have gone before you and had to deal with the end one way or another. Take some time now to consider your viewpoints and make some plans. This will make the acceptance easier when the final curtain becomes inevitable.