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We Invest in AI Not IAM

We teach machines more than humans. Some people are more interested in creating robots that learn and not children. We invest in AI not IAM. Despite the incredible progress and benefits of the AI industry, perhaps we are missing something.

Some studies I have seen suggest we need USD 36 billion to teach the rest of the children not already being taught. Meanwhile USD 73.4 billion was raised by AI startups in just the fourth quarter of 2020 alone!

We are trying to get a machine to learn and think. Investors are putting more money and intelligent resources into how to improve AI rather than in teaching children to be better.

It does seem a little odd. All those people out there who could learn and improve but few do. It is partly that they do not want to but more often they are not aware it is an option.

Sure there may be more efficiency in AI and robotics. But we have the people available. And while we are at it, could we get the curriculum to include money, financing, budgeting and self-discipline. Perhaps they could teach goal-setting and a few other life essentials.

Teach children phrases like I am amazing or I am winning.

Unfortunately, we invest in AI not IAM.