CategoriesObserveThink About It

Someone Has Your Answer

You just need to find out who and ask them the question. Yes, it’s that simple. Although, it might take days or weeks to find them, so you better get looking!

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

The Perfect Answer

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would just tell you the next step to the ideal destination? If someone could give you the perfect answer, you could just get on with it.

The times I am most lost, or I procrastinate, involve moments where I am uncertain of the next best step. Being uncertain has its positive moments but not usually when involving decisions about life direction or major moments.

Sometimes I would just prefer if an exceptional being could hand me a map to my destination. On that map would include the next 20 steps exactly laid out so I just had to do them. No guess work and success guaranteed. It wouldn’t have to be every time either. But simply once in awhile, when I am most stuck.

Wouldn’t you like to have a helpful situation like that?

Of course there are many books, coaches, courses, classes, programs etc that can help you find your way. Though how many of them provide a bullet pointed map, with 20 precise steps to your ideal destination?

Perhaps someone will create the ultimate map with step by step instructions. They could sell it with a guarantee for success. That would be worth buying.

Getting the perfect answer has a great deal of value.

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Look To Nature For Answers

When I am not sure how things naturally happen, I look around. I consider how things are in the Animal Kingdom. I look to nature for answers.

Look at the trees, butterflies, monsoons, fires, lions and gazelles. You will see things play out naturally. No human interference or political interest group. There are no TMO, VAR or other instant replay opportunities.

Many species move in groups, though some are solitary. Some groups, like zebras will hang around gazelles or water buffalo. Elephants and giraffes can be found together too. But you don’t see the lion, leopard or cheetah chumming with the vegetarians too much.

Vultures are a unique bird of prey. They clean things up. Every animal plays its part in the ecosystem. You may like some more than others but they all have a unique contribution.

Is life fair? Should the lion attack, and feast on, the weakest gazelle or youngest zebra? Or should the herbivores be left alone and therefore the lion and lion cubs starve to death?

If people were to get involved, they might have the lion go vegetarian. But that might have other consequences such as over population of herbivores.

Things tend to evolve naturally, both good and bad. And they tend to naturally self-correct if things go too far in either direction. So we may be best to live and let live.

Look to nature for answers.