CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

You Can Only Appreciate Your Own Reality

It can be very hard to feel what another person is feeling in the moment. Even if you have gone through the same or similar experience, the lense you look through from all your life experience will be different.

We try to notice one or two key elements and think we are same same. But there are millions of other factors that can enhance or deepen the experience for one person compared to another.

Thanks AC.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Appreciate The Moment

Moments come and go so quickly. Grab those precious moments and deeply appreciate them. It could be anything from a kind word, a gift, act of kindness, time spent or something more lavish or exciting. They are all important moments. Celebrate them all.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Appreciate What People Do

It is so easy to gloss over people’s contribution or even ignore it or joke about it. You are a better person if you see someone’s contribution, no matter how large or small and regardless if you think it was enough or how you would do it or want it.

Give people some kudos. Do it as often as you can and for whatever you can.

Monday is a day people can do this when referencing The Queen. Appreciate all that she did and didn’t do to make the world a better place. Such leadership from a 26 year old woman, in a very different world in the 1950’s.

Your appreciation will make you and the world around you better. Find the good in people and things. You’ll be happier for it.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Appreciate Your Mother

Mom, Mum, Mother, or whatever you call that special woman who gave birth to you or raised you.

Sunday, in the UK, is Mother’s Day. A good time to give thanks for all that your Mom has done for you. From being a wee little thing, pushing on a swing and pushing you in a pram, to helping you learn to walk and maybe read.

She’s been there trying to make your life better in any way she can. Sometimes, or rather quite often, we don’t fully understand all that our Moms do.

So call her today, visit her, write her a letter or remember her and her place in your life.

Appreciate your mother.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Appreciate The Process

It’s your discipline, consistency, drive and vision that helps you gets the wins you can celebrate. Success doesn’t just show up. You need to put in the work. The effort you make over time will compound and eventually you will see the benefits.

Don’t delay. Set up your environment to win. Decide what you need to do and get cracking. The results will come if you appreciate the process and work at the process every day.

Pick three things you want to improve on this coming week. What simple and quick things could you do each day to inch you closer to your desired outcome. What will you have to overcome to make this happen? Write these things down. Create a brief plan around them. Then act to make them happen. Review at the end of the week, or even daily! Then celebrate each win. Repeat!

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveTime

The Storm Before The Calm

I always find December to be quite a challenge. There are the cooler days in the Northern Hemisphere, preparations for Christmas if you join in those festivities, parent teacher events, sporting finals, shorter days and end of year gatherings. Add the challenge of government rules around Covid to that and preparing and launching a book and there is even more to deal with.

Getting trees, shopping, wrapping, card writing and queuing to send cards or gifts all add on top of regular work and sleep. There is fun to be had but also a strain on your time. There are all the things I intend to do and each year I aim to start the process earlier. Thankfully my wife is very good at sorting these extra things out which always saves the day. Though we don’t get everything off of our wish list each year, we do get the essentials sorted.

And that is ok. We can’t do everything. We have to make priorities on our time and finances. Fortunately, there is a moment around 9am Christmas morning, I feel the calm settle in. What is done is done. Anything missed will be accepted or fixed later. And we can enjoy a few days of totally chilling. I love that.

The storm before the calm is necessary for me to appreciate the calm. And for those hours this weekend, I will be in complete bliss. Enjoy!


Appreciate Your Freedoms

Unfortunately we don’t usually notice our freedoms until they are taken away. If you grew up free, you don’t know anything else. That doesn’t make you bad, just unaware.

There are so many freedoms. Try appreciating your freedoms today.

Freedom of movement. Freedom of religion, to drive, to associate, go for a walk, make a living and use your money how you please.

Imagine each one of those being slowly taken away. Appreciate them now.