
Those Days Are Gone

Everything that starts will eventually end. Whether it is a game, a job or even breakfast. Those days are gone and not being revisited.

It is such a strange concept how we see things coming in the future. Then we experience something for a brief moment. Then the moment passes us and becomes ever more distant.

For example, we look forward to a birthday, event or holiday for months. Each day that passes can seem to take forever. Our anticipation grows stronger as we inch closer to the moment. Then we want to capture the moment and keep it forever. And we do, but the intensity tends to fade with time. And it becomes diluted by all the other memories we have.

This struck me while going to pick up my daughter from school the other day. She’ll be able to walk to school on her own in September. Mom and Dad will no longer be required. Those little chats we have and seeing her interact with her friends at the school gate will be things of the past.

These days are coming to an end. I recall the sentiment of other parents with older children. Some were elated to no longer have to be there each morning and afternoon. Others were saddened by the end of the era. I presume many were both. I know I will be.

This is simply the way life is. We all pass through stages. Things start and things stop.

Enjoy every moment you can before those days are gone.