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Attack The Day

Get up and get moving. Don’t think. Do.

Don’t gently roll around the house from room to room like you have eternity. Move with purpose. Get a task done quickly. Then do another. Get some momentum going. If you do three quick things, enjoy the feeling of achievement.

Then do something that takes a bit longer. Stay focused. Don’t get distracted. Finish the job. Celebrate ????.

Then go for another thing. Build your habit of seeking critical things to do and then do them.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Avoid Or Attack The Day

Are you pulling the duvet over your head most days? Too often and you may consider that you are avoiding the day. If so, ask yourself why. There is often a simple reason. Sometimes it’s a conversation that’s needed that will be uncomfortable. Other times it could be a project that requires a tough decision or elements you don’t enjoy doing.

Regardless, see if you can flip the ‘avoid’ into ‘attack’. Identify the element that is keeping you under the duvet and launch into the day deciding you will confront that element and resolve it today.

Make a plan with some specific times and parameters. You will get up at x time. You will work on this specific issue from y to z time. Then you can put it behind you. That is how you shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.


My new book Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable is in typesetting. Launch date is going to be in late November or early December in time for Christmas.