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Earlier To Bed Folks

Life can be exhausting. A good counter to all that is getting to bed early. It can be hard to do while others are still up and party’s are going on, but the benefits of early to bed and early to rise can be well worth while.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Lounging In Bed

It can feel so nice if it is a rare occurrence. Not having to go anywhere may even be better than the actual lounging.

I’m out of bed between 5am and 7am, 7 days a week. I usually like getting up early as I can go for a run, get some work done and have breakfast with the kids.

But on Sunday morning it was about 10:30am when I finally got out of bed for good. Although I’d been awake from 05:30, I did drop back off a few short times.

It was very nice. No need to rush off somewhere. The house was very quiet. I got some things done on my phone. Thought through some issues. And generally just had a relaxing morning. I even played a few games of solitaire on my phone.

When it happens so rarely, it really is a treat. I hope you can enjoy one like that soon.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Early To Bed

What does that mean to you? Does it mean a certain time? Is it a silly idea that you can’t take seriously?

Could you go to bed at 6pm and be comfortable with that?

Would you have to be quite unwell? Or could you decide on a whim that you needed some extra rest and simply get yourself to bed? Or are you a wake-up-late-only-option kind of person? Have a think about how you see time and sleep. It may be revealing or surprising. Goodnight.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Always Make Peace Before Bed

Don’t go to bed angry. It will eat at you. You’re likely to get a bad night’s sleep. And what if by some weird quirk you never wake up? The other person’s last memory of you will be of an angry person. That might suit your angry feelings in this moment, but is it really how you want anyone to remember you?

As hard as it may be to swallow your pride, apologise and say a few kind words, it’s usually the better thing to do. It takes a lot of character and strength to be the first to start healing the wounds.

Life is short, so holding onto anger and resentment is not a great strategy. You’ll miss the joy and peace that could be yours. You could also help others find those faster.

Always make peace before bed. Your soul will thank you.
