CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Behind The Stories

Who is telling the story? What is your bias towards them? If you like them, trust them, or are comfortable with them, you are very likely to agree with whatever they say. You will not look deeper, and simply assume they are telling you the truth.

You really need to

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Falling Behind

Sometimes we get a little further behind on things than we would like. It could be from laziness, distraction, unexpected extra work, additional responsibilities or something nice like a holiday.

Regardless why, don’t sweat it. Keep plugging away, a little more than usual, and you will be surfing the stationery again in no time.

And if it is because of family matters or a family holiday, then that is fine. In 20 years, the family help or fun holiday is likely to be a much more important memory than some additional admin.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Feeling A Little Behind

It’s ok to be behind schedule sometimes. There are many different reasons why that can happen. Occasionally we take on too much. Other times events conspire against us. Still other situations involve more learning than expected, which takes time.

I’m feeling about a month behind on my book launch and a few other things. Despite many very long days, I’m still adding more to the list each day than I remove. But at least I’m moving forward in many fronts.

I know it’s a blip. Sometimes unique events warrant exceptional effort. This is one of those times for me. We all have these at some point. The week before going on holiday is a great example.

So, if I’ve not replied or I’ve gone quiet, it’s just a matter of a crazy number of things to get done and not enough me’s or hours in a day to address all of them satisfactorily.

I’ll keep aiming to get on top of things into February. When you’re feeling a little behind, keep pressing forward but give yourself some slack. Rest. Just don’t stop.