CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Good Manners, Hard Work And A Belief In Your Dream

These three ingredients will carry you a long way in life. Stay focused on these and success is bound to find you.

There are other key elements you can add once you are doing these three items consistently, every day. But until these habits are firm and unwavering, stick with these

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts


Is there a god? Does it matter? What matters is if you believe there is a god or not. If you believe there is a god and you act as if there is a god, that is all that matters on this Earth. If you discover, once you die, that there is or isn’t a god, and you’re proven right or wrong, it can’t impact what you did all those years while alive on Earth.

So the belief that there is or isn’t a god, or anything else, and acting accordingly, are the two most powerful components of living. Be mindful what you believe. Have faith more than proof.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

What Is The Truth?

I said that this thing happened. They stated that it did not. We both accurately described our experience. Was somebody lying? What is the truth?

The truth is reality based on your perspective. In addition, it is from your angle, as you recall it, through your own bias. It is closer to a belief than a fact. Facts can be verified and agreed by most regular people. Truth is an opinion. If enough people share a similar opinion, it becomes accepted as a fact. It is a socialised fact.

People use the word to make their opinion sound more factual. It sounds like more people have accepted it as accurate and therefore borders on factual.

In late October, some people said that there was no vaccine for covid. By mid-November, the reports were updated and there was a vaccine for covid. So the truth can change quickly.

In sports we want accuracy and fair play. People will swear it was in or out, a point or not. We don’t always like the version of reality we are told by the referee. So VAR, TMO and others, are called upon to give their perspective and their version of things.

What is the truth?

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Belief Is A Powerful Thing

If you want to achieve something, start believing you can. Believe you can regardless of the hurdles ahead. Belief is a powerful thing, so use it to your advantage.

Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.

Henry Ford

You get to choose your thoughts and design your life. You do this by telling yourself stories about what your life will be like. Use your imagination and dreams and describe the story of your life. And make sure you tell yourself only the good stories.

You will choose to believe something, good or bad, so why waste any time on thinking about things you don’t want to have or have happen?

If your thoughts tend in that direction, at any time, just say ‘Stop’ and think of something uplifting. Maybe you could think of ice cream in the summer or riding your bike as a kid.

Change your words and sentences to strong, supportive, positive words about your ever-improving future. And then believe, with time and action, that this story of your life will unfold.

You choose what to think and how to feel every second, of every minute, of every day. So choose wisely. Decide to make your thoughts empowering so you feel fabulous. Write some powerful and inspiring words on a piece of paper and keep that paper with you. Read it several times a day.

As your success builds and your belief continues to grow, you will realise that belief is a powerful thing.
