CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Best For Who?

The greatest good. That is a great phrase.

Listening to some politicians and journalists, you might think they only want what is best for themselves or the party / media outlet they work for.

What happened to the greatest good? Was it ever there even?

Ideally we would have people working for the greatest good of the most people while allowing any others to still thrive.

Unfortunately we have a lot of, “my way is the only way” thinking and actions which demonstrate some people would rather destroy others than lose power or adjust philosophically to accommodate more people.

When this happens, two tribes go to war. If you’re at all in a warring camp, blinded by fear, hate, distrust and disproportionate criticism, then try to pull out of this before it goes any further.

It is often hard to see our own destructiveness and personal challenges, but look inward, and see how you can help balance conversations and act for the greatest good.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Best Of Lists

I usually find these lists quite exciting and interesting. Someone has gone out and done all the research for you and they’ve provided a ranking and review to make your large choice much easier.

The one that struck me today was a list for the best salt & vinegar chips in the UK. It’s very easy to think the top ranked crisps are ‘the best’. Yet, they are only the best for that one person providing the ranking and reviews.

Their top choice might be light on the salt yet heavy on the vinegar with a significant apple flavoured element. That may not be how you like your crisps. And they may prefer ruffles to baked or thick cut not wafer thin.

There are often lots of other elements than just what is reviewed but regardless, make sure you’re clear on all the reasons and details that went into the list-makers decision. It’s nice to have a list but not so much when it’s opposite to how you would have ranked them.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Your Best Performance

Play to win. Use every minute of the match as if it’s the final minute of the World Cup. Do not rest on a decent lead. Add to your position every time you can.

Do not let up or coast. Use everything you’ve got. Rest after the match has been concluded.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughts

Be The Best

Find something quickly, right now, that you can be good at. Then aim to be the best that you can possibly be at that thing. Learn how to study it. Get disciplined at doing excessive training and practice. Propel yourself to new heights. You may not be the best in the world, but you’ll be the best you can be. That’s all we ask.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Do Your Best

Actually, your best. Not your pretty good. Don’t give out mediocre. Give us the best you have and don’t leave any on the table. You’ll feel better knowing you did it.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

You’ll Be Happiest When Doing Your Best

Comfort lulls you into short term happiness. Ahhh. But if you are too comfortable for too long, you often get complacent. Then you do less.

Thats when the unhappy kicks in. And it’s hard to reverse from there. You might have a little regret creep in and some doubt about your abilities and future. Confidence is next to ebb away and then your life seems to become a series of easy, comfortable moments inside your shrinking sphere of activity.

Don’t let this happen. Do a few things each day that make you a little uncomfortable. Expand that comfort zone. Then you can start shifting from uncomfortable to Unstoppable!

Go on. Give it a try for a week.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Best Route

When trying to get somewhere, it’s ideal to take the best route. But we don’t always know the best route until we’ve started and sometimes not until we’ve finished.

The most important part is to get started. Once you are thinking about your journey and writing down options, you will be more likely to discover the best route.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Get In Your Best Shape

You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. Everything will work better. In addition, your self-esteem will be at its highest. There are many benefits, both mental and physical. Fighting off illnesses is another one.

Get in your best shape. Your future you will thank you.