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Performing At Your Best

Life is a competition between you today and you yesterday. Other people can inspire you to push harder. However, performing at your best is up to you.

Like many things in life, some people start ahead of you and others start behind you. Regardless of where you start in life, improving on your current position is mostly down to you.

If you were born with speedy legs, you will run faster than most, especially in your younger years. However, unless you train and develop your body and mindset, other people may overtake you in a race. You can be born with talent, but unless you build on that, people with greater desire will leave you for dust.

Of course the race is still just between you and yesterday’s you but it’s better for your mind if you improve. If you don’t put the effort in, you may regret it later. And often this involves some perceived sacrifices that need to be made.

This is true for all the areas of life. Whether it is money, scholastic achievements, sports or relationships, you should be mindful of what you are doing and how much effort you are putting in.

Performing at your best will pay off. Keep striving.

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Being The Very Best Matters

Or does it? It seems to me that it’s mostly big names that are featured in mainstream media articles and interviews. Being the very best matters, or at least that is the signal we send to our kids and everyone else.

I love reading about successful people. It’s always been an interest of mine. Discovering how people got to where they are and what adversity they had to overcome make the stories interesting.

And it is great to see the top people in the world. These people can inspire us, teach us and be great role models. Their success can rouse each new generation to ever greater achievements.

Though at what cost? Being the best and better than others is a worthy target. Though winning by nefarious means such as illegal drugs or other cheating methods is not acceptable. And the pressure to excel at younger ages, for longer periods, with higher risk of mental or physical strain may not serve our youth in the best way.

Is winning the gold or being the wealthiest, youngest, smartest person the only admirable aspect of life? Perhaps we could put more focus on the grind, the grit, the process or journey along the way.

We can learn a lot from everyday people. Many put in the same grind and process, albeit their outcome may not be at the top.

Being the very best matters. Or does it?


Intend To Be Your Best

It seems like a natural thing to do. Don’t you always intend to be your best? For the most part, I believe it is the true intention of people. But it is not always true and it is often intention unfulfilled.

When I attempt something, I intend to be my best. There is some scope for being somewhere along a spectrum on this though.

For example, I may intend to be my best when playing a sport. However, it could be that I am being my best that I feel I can be in the moment. It may not be my full on best like I was playing for my freedom or my life. There are different layers or positions on a spectrum of best.

Regardless of where you are in life, intend to be your best. It may be amazing, or not, relative to others, but that doesn’t matter. Aim for the best you can do right now, with what you know, and the resources you have.

The world needs you to be the best that you can be. Going forward we will need you to be the best you can possibly be, at all times, with all endeavours. Of course, even leisure pursuits will need your best. Do a great job taking care of your mind, body and soul.
