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Prepare Better

It’s easier not to prepare. It’s even kind of fun to fly by the seat of your pants. But no serious person would let a ‘we’ll figure it out’-type mindset build a bridge or a skyscraper without written architectural drawings.

If your business, or your life, is as valuable, then you best get some grand ideas backed by precise construction plans so you can construct something equally stunning and memorable.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Ask Better Questions

Better questions will help you reveal powerful truths for a better future. What exactly do I want my life to be like in precisely 5 years time?

Can you be honest with yourself with that question? We often try to trick ourselves and avoid the brutal facts of reality. It is easier in the short run but it all catches up with us in the longer run.

Ask questions but also listen carefully to the answer. The answers will reveal more than the ones you make up or hear about in the news.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

What Would Better Look Like?

People say they want things to be better. Well, what specifically and how would that look?

Many people say they like natural but when you note that how things are is natural, they want to manufacture it to be different.

People are funny.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Leave It Better

No matter what it is, leave it better.

It could be a national park, local park, a friend’s car, a restaurant or a friend. Aim to leave the thing, the person or situation better because you’d been there and done something positive.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Make It Better

Do what you can to improve someone’s life, sort out a file, tidy something up, straighten out a cupboard, or even help someone.

Every day you should be looking for opportunities to make the world better, without making other people’s world slightly worse.

Think about it. Then go do something today.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Could You Do Better?

You probably could do a few things better than you’re doing them now. Do you want to put the extra effort in though? This is the challenge.

Most of us have the ability and runway and even desire to do more or be better. However, we also can feel lazy, uninspired or wonder what the point is and whether it is worth it at all.

Well it is worth it. Focus on building your discipline every day. It will carry you through the tough times, the doubtful moments and the significant challenges like loss of motivation, purpose or faith.

You can do better. Build up to it. You’ll be so glad you did. And may regret it if you don’t.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Better Late Than Never

Have you ever missed an opportunity, birthday, special occasion, etc? It’s not ideal and you feel a little rough about it. But in the end, you are better late than never. Just get there and enjoy from that moment on. There is not a lot more you can do in that moment.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Think Better, Feel Better

This is very true. If you have poor thinking, you’ll have poor experiences in life. You may worry, be negative, get angered easily or have unrealistic expectations.

If you can train your mind to think better, be more positive and balance your emotions, you are very likely to feel better more often.

Give it a try for a week or two.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveProgressThink About ItTime

Trying To Make Things Better, Can Make Them Worse

Whether it’s welfare, tractors in Africa, lower lending standards, or government covid policies, when people with good intentions get involved, the long run outcome can be worse.

Of course the immediate benefit is observable and often desirable. Unfortunately, the second and third order implications can be less beneficial, or even damaging or disastrous. (Though rarely for the people that initiated the policy).

Many of the world’s modern issues are derived from well intentioned people getting in the way and trying to control outcomes. Most often, people would be better served if there was less human intervention and they let the natural course of events take place. There is balance in the universe. Sometimes we should respect that and be patient.