CategoriesObserveThink About It

Beware, You’re Being Influenced

I think most people like to think that they think their own thoughts. But beware, you’re being influenced. Your thoughts are not always your own.

Thinking can be hard and confronting. Understanding a point of view and dissecting it without emotional baggage, bias, or stereotype can be a challenge.

I’m from the school of thought that people make emotional, instinctive decisions immediately and then search for data to confirm their point of view. It probably stems from millennia of survival instinct conditioning. Beware of anything that is different, as it could harm or kill you. Assess it and look for data that may or may not be right or wrong or even useful.

However, often you will look to find data that confirms your emotional decision. That emotional decision will be based on your prior experience, especially from when you were quite young. So this feedback loop becomes quite self-reinforcing if you are not careful.

Oftentimes people start only following one newspaper, or a collective of sources that all view things a similar way. This seems normal because it can be quite comforting to read things that are in line with our view. Though it is not a great substitute for thinking.

Sometimes content producers try to lead you down a road that isn’t helpful in general, but does suit their personal bias.

Think about this. Really play with it in your head. Are you actually critically thinking things through with your own thoughts, or are you letting someone tell you what they want you to think?

I enjoy a thought provoking exchange. Especially if it is in pursuit of really understanding something or solving a particular problem. It is important to check your intent before you engage in discussion. Are you arguing to win, convince or prove your point or are you engaging to improve your depth of consideration and thought?

Don’t let me influence you though. Think for yourself. Challenge your thoughts, biases, misconceptions and understanding. Consider this when consuming your normal news channel, newspaper, online news, social media, etc. Have you become, comfortably numb?

Beware, you’re being influenced.
