CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeObserveThink About It

Big Purchases

A house, a car, long haul flights and an all-inclusive or five star hotel stay can be some of the biggest purchases you’ll make in life.

Note how you feel when you consider the 5, 6 or 7 figure sum for the first time. How does that change once you’ve decided to take the leap and pay the bill? And once it’s been paid? It’s an interesting mental transition.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

How Big Is The Problem You’re Solving?

Is it washing the dishes or just making it through the day? Do you want to have a job or maybe a longer term career? Would you like to solve climate, world hunger, global peace, space exploration or poverty?

Note how many hours per day you are actively progressing on your big problem. Are the daily “to do’s” getting in the way? How long have you kept telling yourself you’re doing something when you’re only thinking of doing it?

Stop telling people what should change and start making those changes happen. Don’t give yourself an easy ride filled with reasons and excuses and, “you don’t know how hard it is” comments.

Get uncomfortable. Mix things up. Make 10 phone calls. Make this happen.

Stop living small when you’re dreaming big. Take baby steps and then break into a run as soon as you can. Become Unstoppable. You too can change the world. Make it a problem worth committing to. Now go do it.

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Dream About Your Future

Create some exciting ideas about what you would enjoy in your future life. It could be ideas about next month or next year. You could consider it in terms of years, like 2023, 2032 or 2058. Figure out your age in those years and what you think you would like your life to look like then.

There is no need to spend any time worrying or being concerned about if you will get there or how you will do it. For the moment, just let your mind wander and enjoy the wonderful ideas of your future life. You might have a romantic relationship, spend six or 18 months travelling around the world, or perhaps you have a business that you will create that is doing very well.

Your life is a blank sheet of paper or a clear canvas. You get to decide what you would like to place on that sheet. LeavIng all of your past out of it is an option too. You can recreate yourself or decide that your future won’t simply be an extension of your past. Dream big! Make it exciting.

There are many famous or successful people who came from situations tougher than yours, easier than yours, or just like yours. You can find them and get confirmation that people like you can get to places like that.

If you can choose a great and exciting life, why would you choose anything else? It will not happen overnight but it will happen if you dream about your future, write it down, make a plan and work towards it for at least 5 minutes, every single day. In a few years, you’ll be nodding your head in agreement with me.