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Book In Exciting Things

Book in something to look forward in the month ahead. Perhaps a walk with a friend or a dinner or a trip.

Book something in for every month this year.

This gives you something to look forward to throughout the year.

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Book Something Fun

It doesn’t need to be expensive. There are many fun things you can do such as crazy golf, a park walk, coffee together, or even a movie while cuddled up on the sofa together.

Just have something once per week to look forward to.

CategoriesGratitudeProgressThink About It

Book Update: #1 Bestseller!!! ?

My thinking has been very much on my book for the last 24 hours. So I’m sharing my success with you. Especially as many of you reading this have helped make this happen.

Sunday night, after writing my previous blogpost, I did some more poking around online. I discovered that Achieve Anything had reached #1 on three Amazon bestsellers lists in Japan!!! The first time I’ve seen the book reach #1. Super exciting!

Yes, it’s not the Sunday Times Bestseller List, but I still have that to come. Importantly, I am celebrating reaching another new milestone in my book / author path. So I’m doing as I say, because Step 7 in the book is Celebrate ?.

So now I’ve been on 14 best seller lists in 7 countries (US, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, India and Japan) with three of those being #1 spots in Japan.

So thank you all for buying the book, sharing the book, putting a rating or review on Amazon, giving me feedback, liking or sharing my reel or other activities that may have helped achieve these brilliant milestones!

Goals ahead: Record the audiobook this week. Heading into the studio with Zoe Tuesday. Encourage more people to add a rating or review on Amazon so I shift from 20 5-star ratings to 50 soon (go put one up!). Reach #1 on more Bestseller lists. Let’s go!

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What Makes A Favourite Book?

Is your favourite book fiction or non-fiction? Was it written recently or is it a classic? Was it written by a famous author or a relatively unknown one?

Is it a favourite from childhood or later in life? Is it a children’s book? Why is it your favourite book? The cover, content, story or just the right time and place for you?

I have many questions ?.

Some of my favourite books are: Encyclopaedia Brown, The Celestine Prophecy, One by Richard Bach, Achieve Anything and Atlas Shrugged.

Let me know yours below ?

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You’re Having A Great Day When….

I’ll say mine down below. What about you? Do you distinguish between a regular day, good day and great day? What would make your day great? What warrants noting, appreciating and celebrating in your life?

Are you targeting these things, attracting them or completely oblivious and hopeful? A surprise here and there is always great.

But you can also attract great things into your life by thinking and doing great and appreciated things. For example, you help an older woman up some stairs in a building, and later find out she told her daughter about you. The daughter happens to be the Board Director you are interviewing with for your next job. Be kind. Do good.

You can also target things to happen. For example, I could apply for a book award competition and see how that goes.

Why am I having a great day? Friends started receiving their book orders yesterday and today and sent pictures and videos to me. Very cool. More of that please ?.

I also had Rory Sutherland of Ogilvy Group follow me on Twitter today. He’s brilliant and I’m delighted.

Also, more people keep contacting me about my new book from around the world. That’s pretty cool.

Finally, Roxane finished updating the new website for the book (Achieve Anything) and it looks great. Find out more about this life-changing book so you can achieve amazing results in your life in 2022 and beyond. Get your unique signed copy or find links to major booksellers at

So I’ve been having a great day. Fantastic really.

If you want a great day too, reflect on why yours is great in the comments below.

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New Book Launches Today!!!

I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new book, Achieve Anything!

This book is for you, if you are not 100% satisfied with all parts of your life. If you struggle to set goals or complete goals, this book will help you push past the barriers and make your life more exciting than you thought possible.

The book is available from online booksellers around the world, including Amazon, Waterstones, !ndigo and Barnes&Noble. You can have a look at it or order it here >>>

There is a classic hardcover edition, easy to carry paperback and an ebook edition that goes with you anywhere you take your device. We are also preparing to release an audio version by the end of March.

If you would like an easy-to-read and simple-to-do guide on how to achieve more of the things you want in life, then go grab your copy of this book today. And for a limited period, I will be offering signed copies for people from my website here >>>

If you feel you received good value from the book, I would ask that you let me know what you were thinking on

In addition, please post an honest review on Amazon too. You’ll feel good, I’ll be grateful and it will help more people discover the book. So you’ll be helping other people change their life for the better too! ?

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Completing Your Book Cover

Part eulogy and part posing, the book cover requires some real crafting to do it well. You have to put things in the bio to make it useful but interesting. It’s got to stand out on the shelf and sizzle a little to captivate the audience. Striking the right balance can be a challenge.

Like a best man’s speech, after dinner toast or company presentation, you need to make every word work hard.

Completing your book cover is a challenge. We may have completed mine by noon Thursday.

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Judging A Book By Its Cover

My new book is coming out soon! It will certainly feel great once it is published and available. I look forward to having a copy in my hands and turning the pages.

At the moment, however, I need to decide on the book cover design. Currently I have 6 options in play. I have posted these to my Instagram story for those curious to see them. They’ll be there until about noon GMT so go check out the story and have your say. Vote for your preferred book cover. You might get your favourite one selected.

It is a funny thing about getting feedback on the cover. We are advised that we shouldn’t be judging a book by its cover. Yet, I am pretty sure we all do something akin to that. I certainly assess wine, books and people by that first visible impression. It is hard not to. You see something and you apply your library of related visuals to it.

You may not judge it but you might assess it. That is natural. You would assess a wild lion or stray rhino. It’s a survival instinct.

So why not pop over to my Instagram account (@scottsthinking) and assess, or judge, the covers on display. Then message me with your preferred cover. Let’s see which one wins!