CategoriesThink About It

Can’t Hear The Noise

While some people are going through turmoil, others are completely unaware and getting on with their life.

While some markets are collapsing and personal Armageddon is unfolding, other folks are blissfully unaware and going on a picnic.

I hope this note finds you well. Because I can’t hear or see the turmoil or pain in your life at the moment, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. You will be resilient. These trying times are just a test.

Like snakes and ladders, there are ups and downs. Few people like riding down the snake but you’ll be on your way back up in no time. Who knows, there may even be a ladder lurking where you least expect it to help you back up and on your way.

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You Can’t Force People

Well, it is very hard to force people to do something against their will. At least, not without significant threat that is meaningful to them (not just a threat that you would respond to).

Ever try to get your children to do their homework against their will? How far do you have to take it? Do they do it on their own? Or with threat of detention at school? Perhaps you take away their phone for awhile or threaten to cancel desired play dates with friends.

What if they still won’t do it? Do you need to beg, plead and appeal to their sympathetic nature? Will bribes of candy, money, activities or other future benefits come into the frame?

This is the same for adults. If people don’t want to do something on their own, they will resist it in countless ways. Then, if you go the route of force, not friendliness, you may resort to imposing actions which could result in financial ruin, jail time, family distress, mental terror or even death.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. It’s an odd phrase but there seems to be sense behind it. #bekind