CategoriesActionThink About It

Challenging Opinions

Do you agree with everyone? Has anyone ever rejected your opinion? Do you tend to reply to opposing comments? Challenging opinions can be helpful under certain circumstances. Most other times it just leads to frayed nerves, frustration and difficult circumstances.

If I am looking for constructive feedback, receiving a different perspective to my own can be helpful. However, if I am stating my opinion as a matter of belief, a challenge can be taken as a direct affront to my belief system.

If you add in some hot button, extremist words, like many of the ists, you add personal insult and casual hyperbole to the situation. A fair few people will take those personal attacks quite, well, personally. Some people will continue the engagement and reply in a variety of ways. Although, they can easily fall into an inappropriate response mode as well.

So when and where do you challenge people’s opinions? Possibly in the appropriate forum with people who are up to having that discussion. You wouldn’t walk up to people playing football in the park and explain how they are doing it wrong. So why do we feel the need to engage with others who are conversing?

So do we simply let people have their opinion and walk away? Or do we need to set them straight by how we see the world? And how they should too. Lots of questions. What are your thoughts?

I’m open to challenging opinions.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

It’s So Easy

Isn’t that fun to say that? I love it when I can use these three little words. It does not even matter why. It’s simply great when it’s so easy.

I find tying my shoelaces fall into this category. Walking is another one. Lying on a beach, under a parasol in very warm weather could also be classified this way. There really are a lot of things I currently find easy. And I appreciate them all.

It is not easy for everyone and it probably won’t always be easy for me. So I am enjoying these things and being grateful for their easiness every day.

Now some people might find things easy which I don’t. For example, a concert pianist may find that playing a simple piece is quite easy. I, on the other hand, might struggle a bit with it, at least in the beginning.

Think about all the things you find easy. Make a mental list, or a physical list if you are brave enough. It can help to lift your spirits when you realise all the things that are not difficult for you. Think of the simple and the complex. It could range from breathing, typing, eating and sleeping to juggling, driving, buying a house or flying a jet.

If it’s so easy, enjoy it while you can.