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Things Change

Some change is wonderful or exciting. Other change is dreadful or painful. Change will continue to be there regardless of how we see it.

Change just is. We give the change its meaning. We can also adjust what meaning we give to the change. Do try to make it more positive. It can be very hard. But if you do this, it can have a positive impact. It will take time and repeated effort and brain training. It will be worth it though.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

You’ll Need Other’s Help As Long As You Don’t Really Want To Change

Once you’ve made a decision, with a clear commitment to change, you will do it. It’s easier if you have a clear target and a path to get there and beyond.

Then you no longer need to read up on it, have people help you or go on courses. Your determination will be a very powerful force.

You may still want some help to maintain your discipline but it will be help, not a crutch.

Make the decision. Commit. Win!

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When Can You Change Your Mind?

Taking a position is easy enough. You can simply run with your feelings without any thought and justify your position with points that feel good.

What happens though, if later you change your mind? How do you gracefully switch sides? Is it possible?

How will the people who agreed with your earlier position feel now? What about those you opposed?

It can be a challenging time. Embrace the change though. You owe it to yourself.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Decide To Change And Stop Wavering

To change something, you really need to commit. This needs to be a commitment that you really mean and intend to follow through on. One where you’ll accept anyone’s help to reach your goal.

You must set out a written plan, set up your environment to win, and track your key progress items every day. If these three things aren’t done, you’ll know the level of commitment you’re working at.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight

Change Now Before You Hit Rock Bottom

Why wait till life is hell and the situation is a disaster? Make some changes today and keep adjusting the sail until you’re back on course.

It’s not very rockstar to fix your life before you self-destruct. However, it does save lots of time, relationships, regret, finances and health consequences if you get on a track to being better from today.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Conversations Change Lives

One conversation with a person who thinks differently in some way to you, can change your whole life.

One idea can spark a whole new direction. Get around people who can challenge your thoughts and open your mind.