
A Life In Progress

There are only two situations were your life is not in progress: When you are regressing and when you are dead.

Dead seems to be forever. Try to make sure that if you ever regress, that it isn’t similarly long.

I love progress. People generally seem to love progress too. We love to see our family and friends doing well and improving. We love to see our favourite teams get better, win more and move up in the standings. We love to see our own lives getting better, whether it’s in our relationships, financially, health and fitness or work/career.

But sometimes we stagnant. Or worse. We regress. If you see that happening, in your life or others, focus on what you can do to make a positive change. This can be a little uncomfortable. But pain is temporary.

Take one thing in your life right now and make it better. And work on it every day. From making your bed when you get up, to eating better, to sending a letter to that client you’re after. And then follow up.

You’ll feel great.

Go do it now.
