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Easy To Do And Easy Not To

Which easy will you choose? With easy also comes hard. If you always take the easy route, things are likely to get hard later on in life. If you do some of those harder things now, you can have things a little easier later in life.

So if its easy enough to do now, do it. Put in a little extra work and time. It will pay off over time. And that future you will appreciate it.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Why Choose Anger?

You can choose your focus. Sure, different thoughts, good, bad and odd, come into your mind. However, you get to choose which ones you will focus on or hold onto.

You don’t have to swing at every pitch. You can let a few thoughts go by. Generate good thoughts. Let poor thoughts pass on by.

If you’re not doing this, ask yourself why. Do you enjoy the intensity of feeling? Are you keen to solve everyone else’s problems? All 8 billion people need you to help them?

There might be injustices in the world but your anger won’t reverse them. If you want to calmly write letters, lobby people with power to change things or put forward sensible arguments, then do it.

Try to stay away from the outrage, the anger, the poor thinking and the cherry-picked opinions and facts that keep you as a prisoner in that state of mind.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of issues come from a few people who have made poor decisions in life or else from misunderstandings or accidents. We would do better to reduce our involvement where accidents are more likely to occur. Also, take the time to understand a situation very well, from all sides, before being an outraged judge of it. Finally, volunteer to help kids and youth to improve their thinking and their decision making so they grow up to be good and useful members of society rather then destructive ones.

Redirect that powerful energy. Why choose anger? Especially when you can choose positive impact!

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

Why Be Negative?

There are so many things to be. Though the big difference can be found in just the direction you may go in. With a great alternative, why be negative?

It takes effort to be one thing or another. It takes practice and effort to frown or not smile. Consider that next time you are standing around.

One way to make everything seem better is to smile. Though many people would rather be left for dead than smile. But it is such a nice thing to see. People that smile appear friendlier, warm and welcoming. They radiate an energy.

People know this intuitively but are also asked to smile many times in their lives. Frequently young people are asked to smile and especially now for photos. However, there are some people that would rather resist this temptation to smile, laugh or be playful.

Negative sentiments can lead to slouching, poor posture, low energy, sickness and yes, even grumpiness. On the other hand, people could choose to be happier, joyful and bright. It is a habit, whichever you choose, but it is hard to understand the thinking behind being more negative than positive.

Think about your face, posture and thoughts right now. Learn about how you are and change it if you are not being delighted, fun and playful more often than not.

Why be negative?

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Your Dominant Tribe

Have you ever found yourself torn between two groups of people? It could involve friends, family, associates or others. Your dominant tribe will usually shine through when you are in this position.

Imagine yourself walking along the road with four good friends that you haven’t seen in awhile. You are heading to a restaurant to have a fabulous, fun, dinner together.

You pass by the local concert hall on the way and notice one of your favourite bands is playing and it starts in 30 minutes. Two of your friends are super keen on the concert but the other two need to eat and head off.

Now you have many different forces tugging on you and pulling you in different directions. Will you go with the concert-goer tribe or dinner-going tribe?

There will be emotions at play as well, such as the guilt of spending time with one couple of friends instead of the other. There might also be the fear of missing out, either of a great concert or an exciting catch-up over a delicious meal.

Sometimes these moments of decision are easy and at other times they can be quite difficult. Reviewing the decision the next day can be instructive as they help you understand the forces in your life. Your deepest values tend to shine through in these moments.

Your dominant tribe is not always so obvious when core values are put to the test.
