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Choose Discipline Or Disaster

Discipline sounds so strict. It has echoes of an unwavering sergeant major accepting nothing but your best. She asks you to choose discipline or disaster.

I have seen this in my personal life. If I am not disciplined about something, it can turn into a disaster. Now disaster is a relative term here as there are many stops on the road to disaster, but I think you understand what I mean.

Take the early morning alarm scenario. If you are disciplined, you can wake up on the first go. Then you can get ready as planned and and be where you should be on time. Alternatively, you can hit the snooze button a few times and then find yourself late for the rest of the day. This is sometimes the beginning of many disasters.

If your sports team is not good about their discipline, they may not build up sufficient strength and stamina before a match. This lack of discipline could result in a disaster. This could be a terrible score or perhaps some unnecessary injuries.

Of course, with a bit of discipline, you can find some amazing results. You don’t have to be perfect, but consistency helps.

Choose discipline or disaster. The former has more upsides.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Selection Is Critical

Freedom of choice is a powerful thing. Selection is critical in choosing your health, your career, your partner, your income, your thoughts and actions.

Sometimes people don’t realise there are choices. Or they know but are so dismissive of all of their other known choices that they stick to only one. You select the input for your life. You decide which media you choose to follow and influence your thoughts and philosophy.

Just like a media outlet chooses which story goes up as the lead story, you choose the thoughts you want to focus on. The media outlet employees find the ideal picture to accompany their story and the angle they have selected to run with.

We often unconsciously go ahead with certain thoughts and actions because they feel good and are comforting. We call the same friends, read the same news and watch the same shows. Sometimes we need that. But to grow, we are better off mixing it up a little. Go learn something new or different. Become a bit uncomfortable. Select things you wouldn’t normally choose.

I do that a lot with news, views and foods. I have rarely had a bad experience and I always find out more about myself and the world.

Selection is critical. Be wise as you improve your environment.


Dealing With Disappointment

I’m sure we have all had an expectation which wasn’t met. Therefore, dealing with disappointment will have been a factor in our life, whether it was a grade at school, sporting challenge, friendship or dining experience.

We all deal with disappointment differently. Some of our coping mechanisms will have been learned observationally through watching our parents. Some will have come from friends, books and strangers.

As with anything, we should strive, with an open mind, to find the best techniques and tips. There may be 10-20 options to choose from. Some will work well for us and others will be less effective.

Regardless, it’s a good skill to learn and develop. Improving on our ability to be resilient is a very good idea. This is an important point as, generally, as we grow older, the problems can become more significant with greater implications. So it is ideal to learn very good skills early on and hone them for when the big challenges occur.

Today I went for my quarterly blood donation. I’ve recently adjusted my diet a little and it seems I was just a tad low on iron. So I was thanked for coming and told to try again in three months.

I was more disappointed than I thought I should be. However, dealing with disappointment like this is good practice for the big stuff in life.