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Clear The Debris

Papers pile up. Books and magazines go unread. Meetings become unnecessary. Occasionally we need to clear the debris in our lives.

Many things are started which never get finished. It’s good to remove it or get someone in to resolve it. If a cupboard door needs fixing, then fix it. Otherwise, get a friend, or a professional handy person, to come in and resolve it.

If dishes have piled up, get them sorted out. Newspapers and magazines used to find their way into piles in our house. Not anymore though.

I was the main debris-maker. I liked to sift through the readables and keep them around if I didn’t make it all the way through. In addition, I would keep some with dog eared corners to read later. Later rarely came so the piles got bigger.

I had to stop bringing things in the house. So I reduced the amount of ‘interesting articles’ I would read. I also began throwing out the paper in the recycling as I walked in the house. It couldn’t add to the piles if I didn’t bring it in the house.

Then I reduced the piles by reading or simply tossing the items into the recycling. It was therapeutic. Get rid of old clothes, half done projects, papers and piles and those ‘someday’ items. Focus down on just a few key things.

Clear the debris.