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Comedy Clubs

A fantastic invention. We have one on our doorstep and don’t go as often as we could.

If you’ve not been to one, or not been to one in a while, book yourself some tickets for sometime in the next 8 weeks.

Get some friends to come along (great idea!). Or you can even go on your own. You’ll laugh with the crowd and you won’t have to buy a round of drinks, which helps if you’re on a tighter budget.

Book them today so you have something fun to look forward to. Then go and have a wonderful time!

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Stand Up Comedy

It can be a real laugh watching some stand up comedy. Well crafted lines by hard working comedians are fabulous. Their simple observations about life can be so on point. Sometimes it hits close to home. Other times it is simply well considered and perfectly delivered.

More often now I’ll watch some comedy on YouTube. But sometimes, like last night, I’ll get out to see a live show. ‘Live at the Apollo’ at the Eventim Apollo in Hammersmith, West London.

It was a great night out. A friend with a ticket made it both enjoyable and possible. Thank you.

Stand up comedy. Check it out.

CategoriesHealth & Fitness

The Case For Laughter

Few things compare with having a really good laugh. What a fabulous feeling it gives you. The case for laughter is easy: It makes you feel great.

I’ve been searching out more laughter in the past week. I’ve seen a few video clips that have really made me chuckle. There have even been a couple where I was caught off guard and really howled. Those can be the best moments. When you really weren’t expecting something to be funny and it strikes you in a certain way.

YouTube is a particularly good way to discover great clips. You can search for particular shows, comedians, situations or types of humour. Then their algorithm gives you more of the same. You don’t have to do much work to find a stream of clips that suit you and the mood you’re in.

I’m a fan of clever comedy. Quick wit or a facial expression can be brilliant. Though I generally don’t enjoy put downs, practical jokes or physical pain as comedy. It’s simply not my thing.

Laughter is the best medicine. You smile and your body releases endorphins. These are your body’s good feeling chemicals. They can reduce pain and help you heal.

This is the case for laughter.

Now go find some good clean funny videos and make your face ache with joy.