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Be Confident

Throw your shoulders back, bring your chin up a little, smile and say, “Of course they want me, I’m quite good”.

Walk around like that all day for a couple of weeks and watch your life change. A lot of success in life is about being confident. If you appreciate all the things you have done and all your experiences, it is easier to see why you should be confident and ready for everything going forward.

You may not start off brilliant, but knowing you’ll get better with effort is so important. Because at least you’ll try!

Be confident. Sometimes that’s all you have.

CategoriesThink About It

Curious, Confident, Resilient Kids

What three things do you wish for your kids to be? After all the education, training and experience, I’d like them to be curious, confident, resilient kids.

The way I see it, you need to be curious about life. The more curious you are, the more you will find out about things. You will learn, engage, meet people, have fun and develop more quickly as a person.

As all these new people, situations and aspects of life are being discovered by their curiosity, they should, and will need to, grow in their confidence. The greater the experiences the more likely they will gain confidence. Additionally, helping them gain confidence from a young age is an important element of raising children. Letting them try and fail. Allowing them to make mistakes and supporting them throughout with strong messages of support.

Finally, there will be moments that knock them back. Physical situations, nasty people, relationships ending and goals missed. All of these are possibilities. And, although as a parent, I don’t want them to encounter any hardships, I know that is unlikely to be the case. So I want them to develop resilience so they can be knocked down and get back up. Whether it is once or 53 times, I want them to be ready and develop an ability to stay cheery and bounce back.

Curious, confident, resilient kids – that’s the goal.