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Don’t Continue – Finish!

It’s great to have projects on the go. But we need to keep a clear eye on these so they don’t last forever. It sounds great to be working on something, but sometimes we have to make that super extra effort and get items finished.

I have a handful of things that seem to get carried forward each day and have been for weeks, and months in some cases! There are various reasons for that. Some aren’t urgent. Some are nice to have but not critical. Others require input from someone else. Still others take more time then they seem to be worth.

Then occasionally I will have a burst and knock a few of these items off my list. Sometimes that means getting up earlier, going to bed later or switching priorities.

It’s been harder recently with completing the book, the book launch and some other pressing matters. However, I can see a time in late February / March where I can tidy up quite a few of these things. That will feel great!


It’s Hard To Continue

Starting can be easy compared to keeping something going. Pay for the gym and go for two weeks. We’ll check back in with you after week seven. Still going everyday? How about three times per week?

Quit smoking? Great start! Let’s see where things are after 60 days. Saving money to build an investment pot for retirement? Great! Let’s see where things are at in month four. What happened?

Starting has it’s challenges but so does keeping it all consistent. But since you started, keep the discipline every day. Save just one pound in your piggy bank or online bank. Do one push up. Push the smokes away one more time.

It isn’t easy. But it is worth it. So many benefits in building new, positive habits.

Do one thing towards your new goal each day. Have a solid reason why you’re doing it. Make it an emotional one, not just practical. Develop tenacity and discipline. Listen to, watch or read motivational material such as The Quote of the Day Show, YouTube channels, or my upcoming book (sent final typesetting changes back to the publisher today ?).

It’s hard to continue. But do it and build your pride, self esteem and better life.