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The Stories People Create

“Obviously, she was thinking that….” How is it that we think we are so good at mind reading other people? Oftentimes people express what is on their mind and project it onto others.

Many people make a snap decision and then build a case around their view of the story. “He’s innocent!” And if he really is, then the police, prosecutor, witnesses etc are the real bad people.

They are often afraid to see what the reality could be, especially if they would be seen as taking the view of the other side compared to their usual orientation.

Think about this next time you create a story around something, or hear someone else do it. Where are the facts? Where did the story comes from? Are there elements that have probably been made up to fill in some space and make it more exciting or believable?

Stop yourself next time, especially if you’re making up negative points. Create lovely stories if you’re going to make stuff up.

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Not All Weeks Are Created Equal

You would think they were created equal. Perhaps they are. When you open the calendar they all look the same. All 52 weeks look identical.

But then we put meaning to some. The week with Thanksgiving in it, Christmas, Easter, your birthday, kids birthdays and school holidays.

We add in all the hope-filled weeks. The ones where we expect to find happiness, joy, love, family, community and success.

Then there are those other weeks. The one before you go on holiday, the one with the passing of a loved one, those with challenge, strife or heartache.

Perhaps weeks are born equal. But then we create stories around them which give them colour and emotion. So once they’ve been through some life, they are no longer equal. They are different.

Some better. Some worse. But they all make the rich tapestry of life. Savour each one, for they are all that we have.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

How Are Jobs Created?

You want a job. They help with your income, self-esteem and confidence. However, they can be elusive. How are jobs created? If we know how, why and where jobs are created, we can better position ourselves to be chosen for them.

Jobs tend to appear wherever someone needs a person to do some work. Sometimes a job is to fill an immediate vacancy because somebody died or suddenly left. Other times there is some lead time due to the circumstances of the current job holder. For example, they may have been promoted or fired or even given in their notice of resignation.

A job could also be created in a new company or a growing company looking to expand. Positions are also created during reorganisations due to a new strategy or new leaders looking at building in a different direction.

If you like to be involved in a turnaround situation, look to companies with a recent earnings slump or a new CEO. If you like good efficient cultures, join a firm that is in a growth mode in a growth industry. Joining Netflix in 2007 would have been better than joining Blockbuster. Netflix pivoted into streaming while Blockbuster kept closing stores.

How are jobs created? It is usually by someone assessing a need in a company or division. They believe they need, and can afford, more help.