CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Where You Are

Hey! Look at you! I am sure that you have had to do quite a bit to get yourself here. Look where you are! If you really look carefully, you may find plenty of opportunities just waiting on your doorstep.

They may not look like opportunities but they could be. Sometimes we see work or struggle or challenge rather than opportunity. However, they can often be the same thing if you are willing to look at it slightly differently.

Going to university may seem like work to some but if you put in the work, great opportunities may arise. Getting an apprentice job may seem less exciting if you see it as taking your time for a wage. However, if you see it as learning a skill that could later be traded for a higher income, you might be more enthusiastic about it.

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

Napoleon Hill

You must be curious and observant as opportunities abound if you are open to different types. If you are good at sports, you may be paid to play. But you also may get a sponsorship, branding deal, or licensing agreement. Although if you are not looking for these alternative ideas, you may only have one stream of income from playing.

Look where you are! There’s gold on the floor.

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Keep A Positive Mind

It can be easy to let things slide a little. It’s simple to lose track and dwell a little on the negative. However, you must keep a positive mind throughout.

It seems easier to go downhill fast. It is certainly more effort to spiral up, with control and positive thoughts. Negative, dark thinking can be achieved very quickly if you don’t watch what you are doing.

One way to keep positive and happy is to not have any expectations. When you do think about the future, meet it with anticipation and curiosity. Guide your destiny but allow whatever arrives in your path to be there. Respond to it with a clear mind.

The anticipation you feel should find you full of wonder about what the next piece of the puzzle will be in your life. Curiosity helps keep the mind open to whatever it can be.

If you keep a positive mind, you will be best placed for the next thing that happens in your life. It can be the easiest and hardest thing to do. Though you should do it.

Do you remember Dr. Frasier Crane of the tv series Frasier? He would help people to be clear on their happy place. Then, when an event occurred that required a positive mindset, he would remind them to get to their happy place.

This is a great mindset trick that is particularly handy to have when life throws you a curveball.

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTimeVideo

Coronavirus Exit Strategy

Coronavirus Exit Strategy: Use empty hotels to develop Herd Immunity

Stopping this market meltdown, and the fast growing financial and social challenges, requires two things: 

1. Making livelihoods our absolute focus (while still saving lives impacted by Coronavirus and managing hospital beds) and

2. Providing a clearly defined end date to this situation. This can be done by immediately starting to develop herd immunity by creating a Government Organised Voluntary Infection (GOVI) programme, for healthy people, in all the UK’s empty hotels

The Problem:

The market, and people generally, require certainty so they can move forward confidently. Currently there is no certainty when considering the end to this pandemic*. Hoping for a viable vaccine provides no certainty. It is like hoping to win the lottery: It’s worth trying, but don’t count on it as your only strategy.

The Solution:

We need a clear, time-bound exit strategy that can show progress is happening and has a clearly defined end date. A GOVI programme would do both. 

GOVI explained:

While people are self-isolating in this Suppression Phase, we can roll out a government organised voluntary infection (GOVI) programme at designated hotels (all UK hotels). The GOVI programme would be similar to the idea of chicken pox parties, where healthy children would get together with an infected child and get infected to be done with it. If 50%-80% of the healthy 6-60 population are going to get the Coronavirus at some time anyway, with mostly mild symptoms, why not get it over with?

For WWII, people volunteered to fight in the war effort knowing that there was a significant risk of death or serious injury. These recruits were checked for being in good health (i.e. no underlying conditions) and then sent off to battle the enemy. With more than 700,000 (mostly empty) hotel rooms in the UK alone, the government could pay hotels to host people who are 20-50 years old, and with no underlying conditions, who volunteer to contract the virus under supervision. They would get checked out by a GP, and if ok, they would go to a government designated hotel where they would contract the virus and stay in the hotel for 7-10 days, until ‘immune’. The volunteers are then checked/tested by a doctor before leaving the hotel to confirm their immunity. Once immune, the volunteer gets a document and badge noting that they can re-enter society. 

The government would need to authorise and organise this phase to maintain a controlled spread of the virus. They would need to set out the plan of action, acknowledge the challenges and risks involved and call out for suitable volunteers.

GOVI benefits :

In theory we could have c.700,000 very low risk people gaining immunity every 10 days. Over the next 12 weeks (84 days), we could have roughly 5 million people gaining immunity.  This could be happening while the 70+ group and the Underlying Condition (UC) group are protected through self-isolation. Additionally, we could continue to have strong social distancing/lockdown policies in place (Suppression Phase), continue testing and encourage scientists to search for and progress a possible vaccine: all concurrently.

It’s more Churchill D-Day then Chamberlain “Peace for our time”. Let’s take the battle to the enemy rather than try to avoid the inevitable. Advance on the enemy rather than simply shield the citizens from harm.

A war time army of volunteers is required and I believe many would be willing to do this. Since there seems to be an overwhelmingly high recovery rate for healthy people aged 18-50 (99.7%), let’s get it and get on with it.

The ever-growing Immune Army can then help high risk people, relieve care workers, support hospital workers and others, or just get back to work. Ever more volunteers will spend a week in the designated hotels until huge swathes of the population are immune. 

Within one year, about half of the young and healthy population (25 million people) in the UK will be immune, without having overrun the NHS. In 2 years, most under 70’s and those without known underlying conditions would have immunity (c.55 million). After communicating this plan, normalcy will start to return in weeks to months, demand will return, markets will stop the slide and maybe reverse, and the world can start to mend. 


Without creating certainty with a credible exit strategy, the markets will continue in meltdown, workers will be laid off, industries will collapse, and the government will have to finance the entire economy, possibly for years. Adding a GOVI programme in parallel to the other strategies/phases being employed, could greatly improve our chances of saving the most lives, from all causes. In addition, the GOVI programme will also put a floor in the economy with a certain and time-bound exit strategy, which will stop the markets sliding. Finally, this additional strategy could save billions of people from suffering through the severe, drawn out, Depression era future that the trends seem to indicate we are heading for.

  • Link to Mervyn King on CNBC, on Monday, referring to no viable exit strategy, from minute 8:45 to 9:20 (so 35 seconds long).
* Link to Mervyn King on CNBC, on Monday, referring to no viable exit strategy, from minute 8:45 to 9:20 (so 35 seconds long).


I have added several follow up thoughts for you on my blog website page called Coronavirus Exit Strategy: GOVI. Points covered consider the next 2-3 years and our options. I’ve also added some sources and supporting detail,

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

People Need Encouragement

When you are having tough times, trying something new, stating an opinion or just trying to get through your day, it is always nice to have a few words of encouragement from others. People need encouragement.

It is so easy for people to criticise, condemn, chastise, laugh at and bully. It requires no interest, curiosity or understanding of the other person.

For the most part, people are trying to do their best with what they know. Give them that benefit of the doubt. Assume their intentions are good unless and until you have conclusive proof that they aren’t.

Reflect on whether you are offering enough encouragement to people. It takes so little encouragement to light a fire under someone, to build them up. Ask questions. Seek first to understand. Assume their intent is good, even if their route to get their desired outcome isn’t the one you would necessarily choose.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Stephen R. Covey

Remember, how many Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Medical Officers, Doctors etc said nothing in the 1800’s and early 1900’s about smoking. Finally someone took the initiative to speak up about the health issues of a very popular pastime. Going against the accepted wisdom is more easily done with some encouragement.

For those of you with kids or young relatives at primary school age, think about how you might talk down about people you disagree with, whether it is journalists, politicians or business people. Then think how you would feel if your children or young relatives treated other children like that. If it’s bullying when young people do it, it must be called bullying when adults do it. Is there ever really a good justification for it?

Imagine what we could do on this planet if everyone stopped criticising and bullying others, and were more curious and gave words of encouragement. Try catching yourself for the next 24 hours. If you’re honest, it is quite revealing.
