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Decisions Decide Destiny

Making decisions is what propels you forward. In a way, decisions are like swimming strokes. With each stretch and push you thrust forward until the next one. If you stop making decisions, like stop making strokes, you will coast, slow and then stop progressing forward.

So make more decisions. Make the decisions as quickly as you can. Though be intentional in your decisions just like you would be with an Olympic stroke. You wouldn’t go out just flailing in the pool. So gather your information and make focused, strong and meaningful decisions.

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Decision Making Is A Superpower

Those who can make quick decisions will succeed sooner in life. You can usually change a decision if you need to later. However, making a decision is critical.

Too many people prevaricate and hope they won’t have to make the tough decisions. Sometimes even easy decisions, like ordering dinner at a restaurant, can take too much time and thought power.

Practice making quick decisions each day this week. It’s a muscle that you can develop.

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Decide To Change And Stop Wavering

To change something, you really need to commit. This needs to be a commitment that you really mean and intend to follow through on. One where you’ll accept anyone’s help to reach your goal.

You must set out a written plan, set up your environment to win, and track your key progress items every day. If these three things aren’t done, you’ll know the level of commitment you’re working at.

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Decide And Do

Decide that this is a “Heck Yes!” item and then set about doing it. Do that as much as you can in one day. Don’t wait until you feel like it. And don’t wait for someone else to come do it for you or help.

Focus on it. Get it started. Work hard at it. Learn. Do. Be uncomfortable and get through it. Finish the job. Sure you can have someone look over it at the end. But sort it out and get to the end on your own first. It can feel daunting or hard but you’ll feel so much better about yourself once you’ve done it.

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How Do You Decide?

Decisions are based on feelings. But there are reasons behind them. Though often they are difficult to deconstruct. How do you decide?

People start with a gut instinct or initial reaction. This kind of thinking allows you to swerve your car or bike in a split second to avoid hitting a pedestrian. It can also be used when meeting a new friend or partner.

This fast decision making is based on our natural instincts and personal experience. Sometimes it serves us very well and saves our life. It is often referred to as ‘quick thinking’. This is more of a reactionary mode with little time, if any, spent on processing new information.

Other times, we make a decision but we don’t act quickly with it. We will observe, question, theorise and consider evidence a little more. You can recognise this when speaking to someone as they take time to reflect and give the idea some consideration before replying.

In the later, people who have ‘mulled it over’ have a better understanding of themselves and why they are making the decision. If you simply react, you are not open to new information and dismiss it as wrong or unnecessary.

If you don’t reflect, you may not understand what values and priorities drive your decision making. You’ll grow more if you do.

How do you decide?

CategoriesObserveThink About It

How Do You Pick Your Team?

It used to be where you were born. For some it was who their father supported. How do you pick your team? It’s not always so straightforward anymore.

Sometimes you need to break with traditional ways to make progress. Traditions can be excellent and welcome, like welcoming in the new year. Though some we can do without ever witnessing again.

Today people can pick their sports team, and other alliances, quite freely. This is a blessing and a curse. As there are no historical ties encouraging you to support one over another, you may not feel securely tied to anything.

Some will choose by colour of uniform. Others by their winning record. Yet others choose because they side with the underdog. If you think about it, that could be how we subconsciously find a mate, political party or even which company to work for.

Once you select your side, then you need to embed deep. Learn the songs and the rivalries. Buy the uniform and wear the gear. You get quite fully invested in it. These are now your people. And your cross town rival with all their supporters are your arch enemy.

And once you’ve chosen a side and become invested, it is very hard to leave, never mind switch to the opposition.

How do you pick your team?

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What Makes You Decide?

We make decisions every day. There are the thousands of little decisions and the several, or dozens of, much larger decisions. But what makes you decide anything in the first place?

What is it that makes us decide that it is time to brush our teeth? Is there a trigger that helps us with the decisions around the clothes we will wear today or what we will eat for lunch?

Some decisions are instant, like to keep walking or stop. Other decisions are longer term, such as where we will book next year’s summer holiday.

Perhaps many decisions are merely strong habits. If you decide to go to bed because it is 10:00 pm, is it much of a decision if you go to bed every night at that time?

A lot of decisions are the result of measuring pleasure or pain. I might keep walking if I see an old friend up ahead (pleasure pursuit). However, if I see a car hurtling through a red light, I might stop walking across the street (pain prevention).

What makes you decide to support a political party or leader? Which internal system makes those split second decisions while driving at 70 mph?

Could it be your Emotions? Experience? Training? Conditioning? Education? Influence? Peers? Data?

Have an honest moment with yourself and consider what really are the main reasons you make many of your decisions. You may be surprised.

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Don’t Let The Referee Decide The Result

I like this as a life lesson for all circumstances. I use it with my kids often. In the context of sport, don’t let the referee decide the result, means play so well that a few unfavourable calls won’t matter.

As a rugby coach of 13 year old boys, I have occasionally heard players, from both sides, comment on the reffing standard in a match. These types of comments can sometimes come from adults too when they are playing or watching sport.

My simple response to people is to play better and play harder. Outwork and outthink your opponent. Score many more points than the other team. Then, if a few calls don’t go your way, it won’t matter.

Play so well in every aspect of life that the ‘referee’ that observes your performance can only reward you with a win. Yes, it means practicing more and playing at a higher level at all times. That is fine, because excellence is a worthy habit to strive toward anyway.

Whether it is at work, in a relationship, driving your car, parking or paying bills, etc., don’t let things get so close that a third party can impact the outcome.

Train with enthusiasm and harder than you would play in a game. Then play the game so well that you win convincingly. Don’t let the referee decide the result.
