CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Delegate When Possible

We’ve got a lot to do in our lives. So when possible, be sure to delegate tasks.

You already do this in a sense. Someone else probably grows your food. And a truck driver brings fuel to the pumps for your vehicle. You might even occasionally ask a partner, family member or friend to pick up something from the shops for you while they are there.

You have other people do lots of things for you. Figure out what else you can ask to have done to save your time. Then you can spend more of your time on the things you truly want to do.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Relax – You Can’t Do It All

This is an important observation.

There is a lot to do in launching my new book. There are best practices and pre-order marketing along with preparation for post launch and how to price during the first week or two and beyond.

Like preparing to go on holiday and leaving the office for two weeks, you can’t sort everything. You can delegate and dismiss items but you can’t do them all yourself.

So just relax. And so will I. I’ve made huge progress in learning and doing. I will continue to make more progress until the launch and well beyond it.

There will be many tomorrow’s after the 23rd January launch. So be sure to enjoy the process and the success that has been happening.