

If you want something, you need to be determined to get it. If you get lazy, drift or even take your foot off the pedal for just a minute, you may jeopardise your chances of success.

Double down and triple down your energy and make progress beyond what you thought possible. Want it more than anyone else. Do the longer hours. Push for better outcomes. Be determined and win.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Give That Extra Push

You’re exhausted. It is the end of the day. Your bed is calling out to you. You want nothing more than to collapse. Give that extra push at this point. Take 10 more minutes to get one more thing done.

Push through and get that tough task started so tomorrow morning it is already underway. Or write out the goals, key elements and times for tomorrow. Alternatively you could get that one extra, easy item off your to do list. It shows up everyday and you never really notice it or find the time to do it. Tonight is that time.

Do this extra 10 minutes of effort five nights a week for one year. That will get roughly 250 items off your list. Or it will help streamline your life.

You will also feel much better for having got it off your list. It will lighten your mental load. As you get 4 or 5 done next week, you will feel like you’re making progress. The pride in doing that little extra will shine through. You will stand a little taller as you build goodwill with yourself.

This tactic will also help you push through further in other areas of your life. Your resilience will grow. Your determination will strengthen.

Give that extra push. It will be worth it.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Stick With It

Failure occurs when you stop trying. As long as you press forward, you have not failed, you are on the path to success. Stick with it!

Apart from ageing, change can be difficult, uncomfortable and time consuming. However, if you truly want to achieve anything, you need to set the course and stay the course. You will need perseverance and determination. Mental fortitude will be helpful, as will resolve.

If you can push through the challenges and see past the setbacks, you increase your probability of succeeding. It can get frustrating, embarrassing and even overwhelming at times. But these moments pass. Push through to the better times.

Accept you are not perfect and that setbacks occur. Realise some things won’t be easy for you, though other things will be. Enjoy the progress while you are making it. Double down on your resolve to succeed when the future looks bleak and uncertain.

Allow yourself to be uncomfortable in some situations. It’s natural. Accept that it might take longer, or stretch you further, both mentally and physically.

You will savour your progress, success or victory more if you have to endure challenges, uncertainty and hardship. It becomes less about the outcome and more about your ability to have weathered the storms.

Despite the gathering clouds and the anguish, stick with it.


Follow Up

What is the difference between done and pending? How do you shift a ‘no, not right now’, to a ‘yes, thank you‘? Often you just need to follow up.

This action does not always guarantee you will move something forward. However, in my experience, making an extra call, visit or effort, can move things closer to a resolution.

People are often not prepared to buy, or move forward with your request, until they feel comfortable of familiar with you or the situation. In addition, some studies note that you need seven, regularly frequent touch points before they will be ready to act.

So you need to be determined and persistent. ‘No’ can often mean not now or not yet. Sometimes it will be no, not now and not ever.

Often we see flyers come through the door and we do not act on them. We toss them in the recycling bin. But one day, our garden will need some work done or a room will need repainting. Then we will act and maybe call on the company we have seen drop flyers through our doors for the past several months.

Sometimes it is good timing that someone knocks on your door when you are in need of what they are offering. But sometimes they just need to follow up. Remember to do so too.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

How I Built A Habit In 1 Moment And You Can Too

I’ve done it a couple of times in the last 12 months so I know it works. Some might say this is backed by science and critics will criticise. Either way, this is how I built a habit in 1 moment and you can too.

To build a habit you must commit to it and make it a ‘must’ in your life. It is that simple.

Here are my proof points.

  1. From the moment I moved house last summer, I committed to going to my wonderful new home every time I left it. I did not go to my old house every day for two months, even though it was only 700 meters away.
  2. At New Year 2018, I decided to train and run two marathons in the spring of 2019. I trained daily and completed both in decent times.
  3. Writing this daily blog. I committed, made it a must, and this is my 110th daily blog in a row. It was automatic from the moment I decided it was a must in my life and I had committed to it.

In James Clear‘s blog post, “How long does it actually take to form a new habit”, he notes two key things of extra interest to me. The first is when he references a study of 96 people which finds it takes exactly 66 days before a new behaviour becomes automatic. The second item of interest was the following quote.

“You have to embrace the process. You have to commit to the system.”

James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

To me, his quote is more powerful than the small study and countless other studies like it.

I believe habits develop as quickly as you want them to. The more you make it a must, the more likely it will be automatic from day one. For example, how often did you turn up to your old job, or classroom, after the first day at the new one?

Tony Robbins sums it up quite nicely in his quote below.

“The difference between ‘must’ and ‘should’ is the life you want and the life you have.” When something is a must, you find a way.

Tony Robbins

I think people are amazing and can create new habits pretty quickly when determined to do so. Decide it is a must and commit.

This is how I built a habit in 1 moment and you can too.

[NB: This is dedicated to my Nana who was told in her 40’s to quit smoking or never see her grandchildren grow up. She never touched another one and, gratefully, I was almost 30 when she passed.]

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Whatever It Takes

When was the last time you had your back to the wall? Did you come out fighting? Would you do whatever it takes? I think we are seeing more of this way of thinking every day during our lockdown.

Front line and essential workers are doing it. Manufacturers are too, by switching to make essential items. Massive shifts are happening everywhere for individuals at home and at work.

Two great and inspiring rallying cries are, ‘Whatever it takes’ and ‘Bring it on’. Keep these phrases in your mind as you decide you need to overcome the difficult situations ahead of you. Scrunching up your face and clenching a fist in a bit of a rebel yell pose helps when you utter these phrases.

Like many sports, our U13s rugby season, where I am one of the coaches, was cut short. However, the London Scottish club suggested we host our End of Season Awards online. So we did that today.

Everyone had a bit of a, ‘whatever it takes’ few days as final arrangements were organised, links were checked and sent out, operational discussions had, awards shortlists were developed, discussed and decided and then call structure and full content were created.

Use these phrases in the days, weeks and months, or even years, ahead. It is always good to have some raw power words at your disposal.

We were certainly in ‘whatever it takes mode’ as we raced against the clock ensuring all the final pieces of the puzzle came together, including getting the players on the call. It turned out really well from my perspective, and from the feedback of others. Which is great for all the boys. We wanted them to have a good end of season, or the best we could, given the circumstances.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New Thinking

There Is Always A Way!

I was watching a Diddy and Dalio chat on YouTube this morning, while doing some exercise, and I was interested to hear that they both have this philosophy – that there is always a way. It’s always nice to hear other people say things you believe, whether they are famous or not.

This point of view reminded me of a quote that is on a plaque I bought when I was about 16. I had it on the wall in my bathroom at my Mom’s house back then, and it is still there today. The quote is, “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

There is always a way to get closer to your goals. Start with getting better informed. This can begin with a Google search, a magazine, a book, YouTube or a conversation. Then use that information to grow a little more and gather more wisdom and connections in your space. When a door shuts, look for an open window. Keep pushing forward on your quest.

I’ve used this philosophy to go from growing up on a dairy farm in rural Ontario, Canada, to having lived and worked on four continents before I was 30. Twice I have taken time out, for a year or more, to travel and explore the world: Once while at university and again in my mid-30’s.

Start living with this philosophy when you are young. Know that there will be speed bumps but always continue on towards your goal. If you are reading this, and you are not as young as you once were, even more reason to focus and go after your big goal with concentrated action and determination.

Try this today on one or two things that you feel is very important to you. Find a way to move it forward, even with just a phone call. Sometimes you’ll be amazed at how a little effort can get the universe on your side. And that is sure to get you smiling. ?
