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Do Something Different

Plan something different once a month for the 12 months of 2025. Pick a day or days now to do things you would like to do.

This can be free things from going for a walk, visiting a museum or art gallery, attending a church or even booking a night in a hotel in your budget.

See the world differently. Get a new perspective. See what you can learn from the experience.

You will have 12 opportunities to learn from and to look forward to this year. Book the days you want now and you can book the events now too!

CategoriesObserveThink About It

People Are Different

Some people will agree with you and others won’t. At times you will see eye to eye on a matter with your best friend yet other times you will not.

And that’s ok. Carry on.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Having A Different Opinion

It doesn’t make you right or wrong. And it doesn’t make you better or worse. Generally it means you interpret something differently than someone else. Which is normal and fine.

You may have noticed a movement or word that your angle, position, experience or education may have enhanced for you. Then you may have filtered that through different thoughts, values and ideas you have from your limited experience and knowledge of the entire known universe.

This can bring you to a slightly different conclusion compared to someone else or even to create a polar opposite opinion.

In addition, you may simply be trying to create a particular position so only select data relevant to your desired opinion.

Rather than be cross, anxious or bewildered by another person’s opinion, try to enjoy watching it unfold. Watch people make up their mind about their opinion, or simply parrot someone else’s (that is socially acceptable among their peer group), and then find the data to justify it or just badger you with their opinion without balanced material. Fascinating.

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Try Different Angles

When you want something, try different angles to make it work out. There might only be one way to do something but that is rarely the case. You may have to use your imagination and get creative in what you do.

For example, if you want to meet someone in an office setting and you can’t reach them on their direct line, try calling the receptionist. Or call their secretary. Alternatively you could trying calling their unit head, office manager, colleague or even CEO.

If calling isn’t working, try sending an email, a letter in the post, use LinkedIn or other social media accounts, or go to their office. There are many ways to make things happen. Sometimes you need to try several different options before you find success. If you keep trying different avenues, options, timing and tones, you greatly increase your probability of success.

So be sure to try different angles.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

You Want To Be Different, But Treated The Same

This is a big challenge for a lot of people. We all want to feel unique in some way. It’s nice to think we are unique among 8 billion people. Maybe it’s your physical look, an attitude, the way we dress or the thoughts we think.

The challenge comes when we want to be recognised or celebrated for our diverse or different ways but don’t want anyone to point it out and treat us differently.

You might display and highlight your culture and its uniqueness But then you might want to be accepted by others and treated the same, even if some aspects of your culture are in conflict.

Put the shoe on the other foot. Recognise that different is different and that’s good. But don’t expect people to treat different the same way.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Try Something Different

Pygmalion has a soft spot in my heart. Probably since I read the play in my teens after finding my Mom’s Secondary School copy in the house.

So a few weeks ago I saw that a production was playing at a local theatre in Hampton Hill and I booked tickets for the family.

It was a Wednesday night and finished late but I wanted to take my wife and kids to it. So that’s what happened.

Despite some initial reluctance, it all went well. It was a very enjoyable performance!

It’s on for a few more nights. Get tickets here.

The theme relates very well to my #1 bestselling book Achieve Anything. Perhaps that’s another reason why I like it!

Try something different. Your world might shift.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Today Will Be Different

Yes it will and no it won’t. Every day is unique despite being broadly the same. Today will be different for those looking for differences. And, it will be the same for those looking for similarities.

Broadly, today is just like yesterday. The sun rose in the east, crossed the sky and set in the west. It will tend to get warmer and lighter in the middle of the day and be colder and darker in the early and later hours. There will be roughly 24 hours in the day. (Technically a day consists of 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.0916 seconds.) But the point remains that it is the same length of time each day.

Now for the differences. It may be colder or warmer and the sunrise and sunset may be about a minute different, depending on how near you are to the equator.

Now, as for you, you have choices. You can decide whether you want the day to be the same old, same old or to be different in some ways. For starters, you could set your waking device to wake you 10 minutes earlier. You can decide to be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Additionally, you could start a new exercise regime today or order better food from the shops.

The detail of today will be different, unless you decide to let it be the same.