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You’ll Be Happiest When Doing Your Best

Comfort lulls you into short term happiness. Ahhh. But if you are too comfortable for too long, you often get complacent. Then you do less.

Thats when the unhappy kicks in. And it’s hard to reverse from there. You might have a little regret creep in and some doubt about your abilities and future. Confidence is next to ebb away and then your life seems to become a series of easy, comfortable moments inside your shrinking sphere of activity.

Don’t let this happen. Do a few things each day that make you a little uncomfortable. Expand that comfort zone. Then you can start shifting from uncomfortable to Unstoppable!

Go on. Give it a try for a week.

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Are You Doing All You Can?

You don’t have to do everything and say yes to all invitations, but are you doing all that you can? Could you do more of what you really want or that would be very beneficial to you or others?

This doesn’t mean adding more to your plate. I would even say you should probably remove a bunch of things from your plate. Do you really need to watch the news or read a newspaper? Could that 30-60 minutes per day be better used?

What about tv? There are a lot of interesting shows on tv, but could you do something interesting rather than watch something interesting?

Could you improve your skills, volunteer, reach more people, reach your ideal weight or wealth target or even just learn to relax more and improve your resilience?

Think about it. You have the ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. You can start small with bigger dreams ahead as you shift some time blocks in your life. You can do this. Start today and make the impact you really want to make. Do less but have more of an impact on you and others.

If you are intrigued, but aren’t sure how to start, pick up my book Achieve Anything in Hardback (50% off), paperback, Audiobook (first book free) or ebook. It could change your life.

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Doing More v Doing Differently

You may not have spare time to do more. But you could change what you are currently doing with some of your time.

What would you be willing to stop doing for 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes each day? What would you sacrifice so you could use that time to work towards a goal you would like to achieve?

It doesn’t take long to start learning, doing and succeeding. Your efforts will compound each time and you will see the benefits if you look for them.

What will you give up to become the person you would like to be? You don’t have to do more. Simply do differently.
