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Not Hard Nor Easy

Life is not as hard as some people think. And it certainly isn’t as easy as others think. These positions or viewpoints can change at any time though, depending on events.

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Get Rich Quick Versus Easy

You can get rich quick but it’s unlikely to be easy. First define what quick means. In an 80 year life, I’d say quick would be 5 years, though you could stretch it to 10.

You also have to define what rich is. So let’s say USD2.0 million. That’s a reasonable sum. If you put that in a dividend stock like IBM and received 5% per year plus some capital gain, you’d have USD100,000 per year income and a growing capital base. This would be more than 3x the average salary of a US worker and they’d never have to lift a finger for it for the rest of their life. For the average person, that would be life-changing and feel rather rich.

Can it be done? Of course it can. You can achieve anything. It is rare but happens 1,000’s of times per year.

Example can be found in tech startups, sports, entertainment, music, finance, sales and small companies. In 5 years, a person can go from 17 and obscure to 22 and minted. It won’t have been easy but it was very quick. Now go make it happen!

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Easy To Do And Easy Not To

Which easy will you choose? With easy also comes hard. If you always take the easy route, things are likely to get hard later on in life. If you do some of those harder things now, you can have things a little easier later in life.

So if its easy enough to do now, do it. Put in a little extra work and time. It will pay off over time. And that future you will appreciate it.

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If Life Is Too Easy

You’ll find a way to mess it up. You don’t have to mess it up, but that does seem to be what many people do.

With ease comes complacency. Then you can fall behind the pack. After that it seems easier to play it cool then to try hard to catch back up. Then the seeds of self-destruction are being sown. You shrug it off and say you don’t care, when inside it is eating at you every minute. Envy, jealousy and hate become commonplace in your mind.

To turn that around you need gratitude. Appreciate all the little and large things in your life. Write it out. Don’t just think about it. Write out, ‘I am grateful for….’ It could be ‘I am grateful for my health, heat in my home, food on my table and a comfortable place to sleep.’

If life is too easy, we don’t appreciate it. There was no struggle. We want to prove we had to struggle so we create some drama. There is no need to do that. There is enough you are already struggling with unless you have the body, finances, relationship, education and career you always wanted. If not, get committed and be disciplined every day until those things are 100% how you want them. Until then, be grateful for every moment of being alive and being able to work toward your dreams.

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The Easy Solution

There is always an easy solution to everything. Just the implementation and effectiveness are issues. The easy solution needs to be considered but should be reviewed for more complex items.

For example, the easy way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. This would bring in fewer calories and burn off more. And although solutions don’t come a lot easier than this, the individual implementation is much more difficult and therefore the effectiveness is often less than ideal.

Similar thoughts could be had for smoking or drinking. Easily, the best way to stop both of those is to stop buying the products. If you don’t have cigarettes at home or any alcohol, you are very unlikely to consume them.

Tidy your house, desk, papers or car. Seems so easy. And then when you are in the location again, do not leave anything there to mess it up. This good habit will leave your car, house, office or bedroom, very tidy indeed. If only people could perform like this daily, their spaces would be amazing.

Of course, many people do live like this. You may not be one of them, but they are out there.

The easy solution exists for many things. Though some people are unwilling to properly implement for effective results. Are you one of them?

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It’s So Easy

Isn’t that fun to say that? I love it when I can use these three little words. It does not even matter why. It’s simply great when it’s so easy.

I find tying my shoelaces fall into this category. Walking is another one. Lying on a beach, under a parasol in very warm weather could also be classified this way. There really are a lot of things I currently find easy. And I appreciate them all.

It is not easy for everyone and it probably won’t always be easy for me. So I am enjoying these things and being grateful for their easiness every day.

Now some people might find things easy which I don’t. For example, a concert pianist may find that playing a simple piece is quite easy. I, on the other hand, might struggle a bit with it, at least in the beginning.

Think about all the things you find easy. Make a mental list, or a physical list if you are brave enough. It can help to lift your spirits when you realise all the things that are not difficult for you. Think of the simple and the complex. It could range from breathing, typing, eating and sleeping to juggling, driving, buying a house or flying a jet.

If it’s so easy, enjoy it while you can.