CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Become More Aware, And The Better You’ll Fare

Are you doing the best that you can? Is life as good as you know how to make it? Could you make it better – if you knew a little more?

Of course!

Think of it this way. When you were little, and in primary school, you had loads of potential. However, you could only operate up to the level of knowledge and understanding you had – primary school level. You had the potential to do secondary school work but you didn’t even know what the lessons would be about at that point.

Same thing as right now in your life. I’m certain you have the potential to do better at your job, your studies, your sports, health and fitness and your relationships. But, you are only working at your current level of knowledge and understanding in each area.

You could fumble around for years trying to use your own experience of trial and error to get some better results. Or, you could seek out something to read or watch or someone to speak to. Or all three!

Everything there is to know in the world today is on the internet. You can find anything you may want or need with some general questions typed into Google or asked of Alexa or Siri.

Start improving now. Shift your knowledge, understanding and mindset just a little bit more each day. By June, you’ll be surprised by how much progress you’ll have made.

Go online, to the library or the bookstore, and find one more trick, helpful hint, piece of advice or idea and implement it straight away. Do this daily and your skills and talents will start to grow exponentially. So will your confidence. Then soon after that, your bank account.

You have the power to improve yourself.

Use it!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

Start Me Up

The first step often can feel like a giant leap for mankind: Too big. Getting started can be such a challenge. And yet, it is instrumental in getting to the second step and then ultimately success.

There are different ways to get started. You can countdown if you are NASA or Mel Robbins – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… You can put it in your calendar and block a specific time on an exact date. This is described as the Seven Day Success Cycle in my video “ETRR 13” on the Videos page of this blog site. There are other ways too.

Whichever method you use to get started, remember that your environment should help support you. If you go for a run in the morning, make sure your clothes are out and ready and your shoes are at the door before you go to bed. Any other items you need for the run should also be set out neatly the night before. Set up your environment for absolute success while the intentions are high. Do not wait to see how you feel in the morning, you’ll rarely feel like it.

Once you’ve taken that first step, be sure to celebrate. This is the hardest step so it deserves the most celebrating. Every time you start something new or start on the next step, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Well done.

Now Get Started! With a little momentum you’ll start to feel unstoppable: Like a rolling stone.


Do Your Own Pushups

The optimal way to change something in your life, is to make the effort yourself.

Sure, you can watch Tiger Woods play golf everyday and that might help your golf game a little. But to make, lasting and significant progress, you need to go do it yourself.

Whether this means getting up early to travel through rain or snow to get to the gym and do a challenging workout, put in the work to build your business or put the gruelling extra effort in to progress your career, only you can do it. If your personal trainer, competitor or work colleague put in the hard yards and focus on the results, they will get the benefit, not you.

It’s nice to have supporters and people cheering you on and hoping you get the work in and the results out, but only you can make it happen. No well intentioned effort from your Mom, Dad, spouse, friend, neighbour, etc will make your body, business or career better. You have to grind it out and win those results for you. And you will feel amazing for it!

Go! Do your pushups.
