CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

Empathy Chameleon

Is it possible to feel someone’s position so fully, to step into it, that you take on the physical characteristics of the person, like a chameleon does?

Not only do you step into their shoes and feel what they are experiencing, but your body transforms and matches that persons symptoms and attributes.

Some babies and mothers can have this, while some women develop a synchronicity with friends or close coworkers. Teammates can be in a state of flow or in sync with one another.

So could a person develop illnesses, in sympathy with a close relationship? Would this be to either minimise the suffering (take some on board/reduce the original) or experience it for greater understanding? And can it be controlled? Can it be stopped before permanent damage is done.

Let me know in the comments, if this has ever happened to you.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Forgiveness And Empathy

I saw an incredible short video clip the other day. It had a real impact on me. The forgiveness and empathy conveyed was certainly an unexpected twist. The 3.5 minute clip is from Larry King Live. I have posted it below.

Imagine someone trying to kill you. They come very close to reaching their goal. However, somehow you pull through. How would you feel about that? Consider how you might feel with the memories of your physical pain, mental anguish and uncertain future fresh in your mind.

What sort of emotions might you have toward this intentional murderer? Would you like to see justice served? Maybe even a little revenge?

It’s hard to imagine the extreme scenario. Most people can’t summon up that level of intensity, fear and pain to replicate the situation well enough. This is especially true when you are considering it while sitting safely and snug at home or while comfortably on your regular commute.

If you can’t get into the scene and character, consider, the experience of others. Reflect on those that have been cut up on the motorway, been in an accident or lost someone in a tragic way.

Forgiveness and empathy help you move on with your life.

Expose yourself to it. Try it. Evolve.

Like him or not, it’s quite impressive how he views the shooter