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Build Your Endurance

Life is a series of sprints wrapped inside a marathon. There are ups and downs, victories and challenges. If you build your endurance, you will survive and probably thrive as you move from one sprint to another.

Most people seem to notice the challenges ahead more than they celebrate the victories that loom in the past. Whatever you focus on will be your reality. So choose what you focus on carefully. You will have enough of your own challenges in life without adding anyone else’s to your list.

As you build your resilience and your endurance, you will gain additional confidence and personal power. With these attributes you will improve your rate of success. This will build your mental strength so that you can call on that when you need to endure difficult times.

Remember to get the flywheel of success working with you. It is much better than having the flywheel of doom working against you. Amazingly, you get to choose which one you have at your side, based on your focus and attitude. Bizarrely, too many people choose the later rather than the former.

I’ve never understood why someone would want to make a life full of challenges even more challenging.

Stay focused and build your endurance.
