CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Do You Enjoy Rollercoasters?

Do you thrive on white knuckle rides? Do you prefer the excitement, lurching and speed of the mechanism?

Some people don’t like rollercoasters. The intensity is not for everyone. Where some people feel the thrill and adrenaline, others are simply flush and terrified.

How do you like your life?

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Dinner Together

Make the effort to eat together at least once a week. Whether it’s you and your partner, your kids, parents, close friends, or grandparents, get a frequent time in your diary.

Then also make sure you are present, alert, engaged and making it the best possible moment you can. These are important moments. You don’t know how many you have left until the last one happens. Then it’s too late.

Enjoy dinner together.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Right Now

Enjoy that you are alive to do this. Sometimes things are good and sometimes they are bad. But you are fortunate to be alive and doing any of it.

Others have died or were never born and can’t even have your bad times. Find something positive in what is happening now for you. Then smile for that element. At least you’ll get through things with a story from it. And it could possibly lead to something much better.

Enjoy right now. It’s all you have.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Enjoy The Outdoors

Get back to nature. Go for a walk in the park, go camping or hike a big mountain like Mount Kilimanjaro. Big adventure or around the corner, getting closer to nature, and keeping your phone in your pocket, is a great way to relax and refresh.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Enjoy The Buzz

When things are going well, be sure to enjoy the moments.

It feels good and you get positive reinforcement.

My book, Achieve Anything, is on Amazon bestseller lists in 5 countries, that I’ve seen tonight! Incredible. In Germany it’s made it to 10, 11, and 15 in three categories when I first saw it Sunday night. Wild!!

It’s also made bestseller lists in India, Brazil, UK and USA.

I’m enjoying the buzz. ?

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Lovely Days

Sunshine, warming air, boys playing rugby 7s, a cool pale ale in hand, friends to chat, cheer and laugh with and the time on a weekday to do it. This was the wonderful recipe we had on Monday.

What would make a lovely day for you?

Can you create the circumstances or environment to have one soon?

Appreciate all 365 days each year and particularly the lovely ones.