CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Praise

It may not come often in your life, so revel in it while you can. Date stamp it and celebrate it often!

I’ve had many wonderful and enjoyable comments this past week (and prior) with respect to my new book – Achieve Anything.

Thank you folks.

If you haven’t seen what all the fuss is about, pick up a copy today!

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Your Christmas Eve

Whether you celebrate or not, open gifts or it’s a normal day, take some time and enjoy the day. Enjoy the cheery, festive mood that many people are in. Especially enjoy your time with family and friends.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Your Downtime

Plan ahead for breaks. These can be 5 minute refreshers or two week vacations. Whatever length and style, you need to have them. And you need to enjoy them too!

When it’s downtime, relax. Unwind. Enjoy your downtime. Your mind, body and soul need it.


Enjoy The Summer Fun

Take a trip, relax with friends or enjoy the evenings. People have different ideas of what they want to do for the holiday period. Enjoy the summer fun though, regardless of your chosen activity.

What does your ideal summer look like? Do you like the heat? Is there a place you usually go? Does your time involve more family or more friends.

Some people like to be around many others. Although others like to get away from it all and be a little isolated.

I do like consistent warmth. Although I am not a big fan of air conditioning. A light breeze can be nice. I also enjoy a pool or the sea to jump into to cool down too.

Reading a book under a tree and contemplating what you are reading is nice. As is looking up at the sky and watching the clouds roll by. If you can see shapes and animals in them it is all the better.

Oh, and ice cream. You cannot forget some nice ice cream. I’m partial to Haagen Dazs, especially their vanilla, pralines or salted caramel flavours.

Whatever you like to do, go full on now during August. You may have only four to six weeks left before the autumn air is with us.

Enjoy the summer fun while you can!

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Endless Possibilities

Often our lives seems to follow a particular track. There are a lot of repetitive tasks and situations. Although, you can enjoy endless possibilities and alternative realities.

But be honest about those. Are you willing to give up what you have and are to be what you could be, do and have? Oh, and there are no guarantees that your new future will be any better. However, it may not be any worse. It might just be different.

That in itself is enough to scare most people into inaction. This is unfortunate for you and the Universe. The more that each individual can optimise their life, the better. It is better for the individual and better for all of society.

Do one or two things just a little differently today. Go down a different road to get to your office. Call an old friend for 15 minutes. Try doing some stair steps while you are on the phone. Rather than sit there and talk, walk and talk. Do some heel lifts. Lift some light dumbbells while you are on your call.

Try to spend less than 5 minutes reading the paper today. Call that supplier and ask for a discount. Whatever it is you try, do it with great intentions. Do this type of thing everyday and in a week you will have done 14 things differently. That will set you on a different path.

Enjoy endless possibilities. Then enjoy the multitude of new results.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Smile And Laugh More

Force yourself to do it if you have to. This idea seems crazy but we can forget to see the lighter side of things. Smile and laugh more because it feels good and others respond well to it.

Sometimes we take life, or ourselves and our situation, a little too seriously. It is easy to do. We can get caught up in the hub bub of daily life and just press on through. But it is so nice to see people smile and hear others laughing. It often makes us want to smile and laugh too. It is a wonderful way to quickly feel better about things.

Think of a fun time you had with a friend recently, or 20 years ago. Hold that thought. Hear the laughter in your mind and feel the giant smile on your face. Maybe you did something that scared you a little. Maybe it felt daring or a bit crazy. You did it though! And you can relive that memory as often as you like. It is free and provides a great feeling.

Think of those favourite songs of yours. Think of the happy ones, not the break up, drown your sorrows ones. Maybe some favourite scenes in some great movies do it for you. A great vacation or an activity you did or shared with others could be the smile trigger. Get five or six of these great memories and moments and write them down. Note a few key words to remind you of each one. Keep it in your pocket or on your phone. Look at it often.

Smile and laugh more. We’ll all benefit.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTimeVideo

Life Is Like A Movie

Have you noticed how things in certain movies become things in life? Remember the swish swish of doors in Star Trek? Life is like a movie, though only certain ones at certain times.

So when I was growing up, the swish swish of the doors on the Starship Enterprise seemed so futuristic. However, now most metro centres have thousands of these doors.

Then things started to unfold like the Schwarzenegger film Total Recall. The whole idea of virtual reality. We are getting there with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. We certainly have driverless cars on the near term radar. And trips to Mars being scheduled.

Then we have seen some elements of Tom Cruise’s Minority Report. People are being condemned for even thinking of an activity with a criminal element. It doesn’t matter if a crime has happened. The fact that it could have happened is enough for you to be removed from society.

Now things are moving on with skins in Fortnite and a virtual world in Clubhouse. This and the VR makes me think that the Ready Player One reality is not that far off from our current life.

Finally, we have Terminator. Well, that melting man business and pulling yourself back together is quite impressive. But happy for it to be a few more years before that.

Life is like a movie. Go get the popcorn ?.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Keeping Life Simple

Do you have the secret? Is there any way to do it? Everyday there is a new deluge of information and items to address. Keeping life simple is no easy feat.

Each day you will have to deal with more things. Today I received some Council Tax bills for some of our properties, a home insurance renewal notice and some yummy looking food pamphlets. (I imagined the food to be tasty, not the actual pamphlets themselves.)

So recycle one pamphlet but keep another. Where to put it though? We put it on the fridge as we intend to use it this week. The other envelopes I opened and made some notes on them. They then found themselves in our Tickler file. This is a filing system we learned from David Allen, who wrote the book Getting Things Done.

When used correctly, it is an awesome and powerful filing and tidying system. When it isn’t, it is the equivalent of the stationary bike as clothes horse.

We also received a delivery of a shower system. Life is a continual in-tray of things to sort, sift and solve. The quicker you can systematise or delegate, the happier you will be.

Look, those items come in the same time every year. Like Christmas, Easter and July 1st, they come around every year. Plan for them,

Keeping life simple will make you smile.