Often our lives seems to follow a particular track. There are a lot of repetitive tasks and situations. Although, you can enjoy endless possibilities and alternative realities.
But be honest about those. Are you willing to give up what you have and are to be what you could be, do and have? Oh, and there are no guarantees that your new future will be any better. However, it may not be any worse. It might just be different.
That in itself is enough to scare most people into inaction. This is unfortunate for you and the Universe. The more that each individual can optimise their life, the better. It is better for the individual and better for all of society.
Do one or two things just a little differently today. Go down a different road to get to your office. Call an old friend for 15 minutes. Try doing some stair steps while you are on the phone. Rather than sit there and talk, walk and talk. Do some heel lifts. Lift some light dumbbells while you are on your call.
Try to spend less than 5 minutes reading the paper today. Call that supplier and ask for a discount. Whatever it is you try, do it with great intentions. Do this type of thing everyday and in a week you will have done 14 things differently. That will set you on a different path.
Enjoy endless possibilities. Then enjoy the multitude of new results.