CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Defining Yourself

This can be a little tricky. Though it does not have to be. We all carry around a view of ourselves. It may be accurate or not. Defining yourself, however, is happening by you and everyone else.

You define yourself as you think you are or how you wish to be. To make significant and long term changes, one usually needs to redefine who they are. It is one thing to stop smoking. It is another thing to think of yourself as a non-smoker. Without redefining who you are, the likelihood of this change remaining diminishes greatly.

You can practice ‘I am’ statements which help you reconfirm your thoughts. Like learning our times tables, we are creating a more powerful neural pathway that serves us better.

You should certainly try to improve your self image and your self esteem. Consider the amazing, confident you and all of your incredible success to date. Be bold with your praise and be clear with your affirmations. You need to hear this more than anything else in the spoken language.

No matter what you do, defining yourself based on someone else’s standards, starting point or success is not clever or helpful. Just be the best version of yourself every single day.

CategoriesFinancialHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Enjoying Lockdown

There are some elements of this whole thing that have a positive component for me. I understand other people may not feel the same. Enjoying lockdown depends on your circumstances and your mindset.

We’ve had some impact on our business but fortunately not too severe. And I am conscious some people have had a terrible experience and worse. These are very sad circumstances and my heart goes out to people who have been impacted in a seriously negative way.

However, today’s post is about trying to find the silver lining in a challenging time.

So some of the things I am grateful for in this time of lockdown are as follows. I get to spend time with our lovely kids at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I grew up on a farm so when school was out in the summer, we would work on the farm all day but eat meals together as a family.

Also, there is no running around to all kinds of events, sports, social engagements, etc. I don’t have to contend with congested roads either. A calmer life can be enjoyed, without the fear of missing out.

The third reason is that currently people are pretty empathetic and forgiving if things aren’t going quite to plan. If things take a little longer or are a little more casual than professional, then that is ok. This is a nice thing to have.

I may not be on a beach in the Caribbean but for many reasons, I am enjoying lockdown.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Happy New Year!

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope you are making the best of things. Whatever the future brings, I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year!

Although 2020 will be long remembered for many things, we know what the main one, world-wide, will be. Covid-19 and it’s many challenges, including physical, financial and mental health related.

This next year, 2021, will come in with some similar challenges. In addition to masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and tiers, there will be the added component of a vaccine.

Hopefully this will allow us to have a major shift in getting back to regular life.

This time last year, we did not know this major health and economic challenge was going to be impacting us. Now we do know. We still don’t know how it ends, as no one can accurately predict the future at any time.

However, this year, you start by knowing it will be a part of your life in various ways. How will you play the 12 months that you will have in 2021? Knowing what you know, how will you think, what will you do and what things will you focus on?

I hope you have found ways to successfully navigate the challenges you’ll find in the year ahead. May you have peace, prosperity and good health, both mental and physical.

Happy New Year! ?


Merry Christmas!

Good tidings to you, your family and community. Around the world, people may be celebrating a little differently this year. Merry Christmas!

I hope this note finds you healthy in body, mind and soul. Be thankful for what and who you have in your life. For many, Christmas Day will be a little quieter this year. Though there may still be immediate family together, which could cause some extra hubbub.

I hope you have a card to open, a gift to unwrap, or a call from a friend, or distant relative, to liven up your day. May you have inner calm and fond memories to keep your mind filled with joy. Enjoy this one day of the year for any and all that it brings you.

You may be in a warm country or cold, without snow or with it. You could be experiencing very few hours of sunlight or it could stretch for all your waking hours. Your experience may be in the mountains or by the sea.

Wherever you are, may your day unfold with peace and serenity. Keep your spirits high and know that this is your day. Enjoy every moment of it. There are people thinking of you right now.

Merry Christmas! ?

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Just For Fun

These three little words can be great instigators of a good time. They create a light hearted atmosphere. When it is, ‘just for fun‘, it takes some of the pressure off.

You might say it before you bet on the horses, or head to the casino. The idea is that you will do something semi serious, like maybe lose some money. However, maybe you won’t bet too much, so if you win or lose it won’t matter much as the amount is not enough to change your day.

I recall saying this with friends or family when there is a little competition but it isn’t too serious. It might be swimming to a nearby island in a lake or seeing who has the quicker way up a small mountain.

There is a playfulness to this phrase with a little underlying edge to it. Although, once it has been said twice, you usually eliminate the underlying edge. But beware, that is not always true.

It can be a good natured reminder that fun is allowed and not everything has to have a serious angle. As we know, it depends on who is saying it and in what circumstances or context.

C’mon, let me have a shot at running this thing. Just for fun.


A Great Movie

I do enjoy an entertaining film. Although my tastes have changed somewhat over the years, there can be real power in a great movie. Think back to the last movie that you saw that could be considered as such.

We watched something very enjoyable on the weekend called Green Book. It has a 91% score on Rotten Tomatoes and although rated PG-13, our 11 year old was able to enjoy it too.

I thought it was a great movie for so many reasons. There were many instances where I found cause to laugh out loud. It was great to see two people on very different paths in life, showing respect and appreciation for each other. It was also great to see their mutual concern and professionalism.

We all enjoyed seeing how the two men grew from the comments and prodding from each other. There were many moments in the film where you could pause and reflect and feel the situation. That is one kind of film I really enjoy.

Over the upcoming holidays, try to watch a great movie. One that is enjoyable, entertaining and has some valuable messages in it. Maybe it will be one you have already seen, or something you’ve had on your list. If Green Book wasn’t on your list, may I suggest that it gets on there.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Here Is What You Are Going To Realise

Life is long but short. Time can fly and it can crawl. You will get older. At some point in your life, here is what you are going to realise.

There are few things you can control. And yet, you control everything about your life. If you don’t make the little sacrifices now, you will need to make larger ones later on. You will be passing the baton at some point in time. Unfortunately, you do not know when that moment will be or who it will be to.

I think we also realise that we could have done more with our time on this planet. Not just more for ourselves, but more for other people too. The crazy thing is that we wouldn’t have to do massive amounts more, just a little bit more from each of us.

You will leave a legacy, whether you believe it or not. Not everyone will have the same view but that is ok. Some will love things you have done and others will hardly have noticed. Still others will not like what you have done or how you did it. Take no notice of the critics. Positive feedback is one thing but generalised criticism is unworthy of your good intentions.

Here is what you are going to realise. No one wins. Just enjoy your ride.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Look Where It Should Be First

When looking for files, phone numbers, keys, glasses or information, look where it should be first. It might be there. If it isn’t, make a note of where you thought it should be. Then, when you find it, put it where it should be. Then you’ll find it easier next time.

Sometimes I’ll start looking where I think I saw the item last. Other times I head for where somebody says they saw it (or they think they did). Boy do we laugh when I find the item in the eighth place I look. This would have been the first place if I had simply ignored all other impulses and input.

Do you ever do that with general information? Ever casually wish you knew the answer to a question or had more information about a subject? Despite some of the most used phrases being, ‘Google it’ and, ‘Check the net’, sometimes I just don’t.

Occasionally I assume the topic is too difficult to search. Or even that no one would have searched this before. And I might even wonder if maybe there just won’t be any information on the topic.

However, I‘ve always been pleasantly surprised at how easy, predictive and plentiful the searches and results have been. So I search everything now.

So whether it is physical or theoretical, look where it should be first.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

I Like Hanging Out With People Like Me

It always depends on the moment and what I am interested in at the time. However, I like hanging out with people like me. It seems like a natural feeling.

When I listen to rock music, it’s more fun if I am with people who enjoy the same bands. It’s less fun if the people with me don’t enjoy the bands or music genre. And certainly it is not very enjoyable if they simply criticise it or complain about it.

When I go running, I prefer to go with people like me. I prefer to go with people who like running. And ideally they are ready to go in the early morning which is what I prefer. Additionally, it is better going with someone who runs a similar distance and pace too. Though I’m happy to be pushed to go further and faster.

Whether it’s food, sport, holidays or almost anything I can think of, I like hanging out with people like me.

And those people are oftentimes different people for each thing. This is great because they can bring other aspects into the mix too.

It’s great to get different perspectives. But when I want to enjoy myself, I like hanging out with people like me.


Celebrate! ?

When you have been working at something and reach a milestone, you need to pause and Celebrate! ?

This is such a critical factor in continued success.

Take a moment to reflect back on what you have done. Look at what you have achieved. Remember those moments of joy you had along the way. And reflect on all the challenges you had to meet and overcome to reach this point.

For me, I am celebrating with this blog. This is my 183rd daily blog in a row. I’ve completed half a year of daily blogging. At an average of 250 words per blog, this means I’ve written approximately 45,000 words. That is roughly the number of words in a bestselling non-fiction book. ?

I’ve enjoyed the process and had a lot of great support from people. So thank you to everyone who has given me feedback! Whether it has been tips, suggestions, thumbs ups, comments, shares or very kind words of support, it has all been great encouragement and has kept me motivated to press on!

There is another significant milestone happening on the 11th July. My in-laws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. That’s quite something. Congratulations Clare and Don!

Celebrate! ?

Whatever the milestone, big or small, it will feel great to have reached it.
