CategoriesGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Enjoy The Outdoors

As countries begin to open up and allow greater freedom of movement, savour and enjoy the outdoors. The air is fresher, the birds are chirpier and the sunshine feels warmer.

Often when we lose something, we miss it and appreciate it more when it is back. I wonder how many people will appreciate and enjoy the outdoors more going forward.

I go for a run most days. Usually I run between 4 km and 14 km. The shorter runs usually involve running along the Thames, which is lovely. By comparison, the longer runs often find me running through Richmond Park and saying hello to the deer.

Right now it is fantastic running through the Park as there are no cars or cyclists and no airplanes overhead. In addition to that, there are very few people.

It is nice to enjoy the outdoors when the conditions are so enviable. I know it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but how nice would it be to keep the Park like this? In Ottawa, they close the riverside to cars on the weekend so cyclists and walkers can enjoy the space. Maybe that could be a start?

Every Sunday, or even Sunday morning, Richmond Park would only be open for people on foot. So many benefits to be had. Could we make it happen?


Write Down Your Favourite Moments

It’s a great thing to do. To write down your favourite moments in a list, such as a top 10 favourite life moments, is very powerful. Adding some ooomph to that is reading it when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night.

I write a lot of stuff down. I have lists of ideas, words, to do’s, notes from calls etc. When did you last write down your favourite moments? I’ve done them before and done an updated one recently.

It’s a great way to remind yourself of amazing or wonderful moments in your life. It’s a great pick me up to read that list in the morning. Similarly it is a lovely way to re-frame your thinking as you are about to doze off to sleep and your brain goes on auto-pilot. It’s a good idea to give it something brilliant about you to ruminate on for 6-8 hours.

Amazingly, you can quickly become your own powerful content creator. You can start, or continue, to be a powerful, positive driving force in your mind and your life. You have the power to do it. Take control of how you start and end the day.

Running the highlight reel, twice a day, is a great way to get a smile on your face and keep your enthusiasm up.


Enjoying The Day

It’s easy to zip through a day and not really even notice it. We can all probably remember just going through the motions. Enjoying the day, however, that is a real skill. Being present and savouring the moments is critical. Remember to stop and smell those roses.

Today really was one of those days. Being present with my wife and children, for the whole day, was wonderful. Playing a family game of Ticket to Ride was good fun. Listening to the laughter from the kids upstairs, playing chase, was a delight. Watching the wet sponge battle in the garden, and then the funny water bucket challenge, was pure joy.

There were so many moments that had me smiling all day. With a temperature of 25C, clear skies and sunshine galore, it was a fabulous day.

I hope you had a wonderful Easter. I know not everyone will have, and our thoughts were with them throughout the day.

If you found yourself enjoying the day, I hope you are as grateful as I am for finding the joy in it.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Sunshine Is Awesome

Oh my, having such a long streak of sunshine is awesome! 23C in London today. Bright sunny skies. 49% humidity. The last couple of weeks have been lovely, weather-wise. Today was a fabulous day for a long, solo run through Richmond Park.

Just me and The Real Estate Guys and that awesome sunshine. The two police at the gate into Richmond Park was a nice touch to ensure we keep our physical distancing. It would have been quite warm for them, so I felt for them. But I suppose it may have been better than a chilly downpour.

Wherever you are in the world, I hope you get some sunshine this Easter weekend. It does feel so nice on the face. It warms you up, cheers you up and can help lift your mood. Take some time to close your eyes and face toward the sunshine, even if it is for only 30 seconds. It certainly can be a life changing moment – in your mind, if nothing else.

That one action of turning toward the sun, (eyes closed!) could change your world.

Enjoy some awesome sunshine! ☀️


We’re All In This Together

What a fascinating time to be here on Earth. What a story you’ll have to tell once we see the back of this situation. This may be the first time in the history of the human species that the whole world has the same common enemy, at the same time, and is communicating in real time, globally, to coordinate and win.

And we all have front row seats.

We are all experiencing this event with slightly different perspectives, depending on what experience, and life awareness, we have had before. For example, despite living in the same household all their lives, each of my children will use their slightly different past experience to make sense of the times we are living through. And, despite everyone on Earth having different perspectives, it would seem that we all want the same outcome: To beat the bug.

I love how individuals and groups are stepping up and popping up to do great things together and for others. Whether it is the medical or scientific world pulling together to find solutions or community spirited groups providing extra help in the local neighbourhood. Our neighbourhood group put a typed note through everyone’s door this week with an offer to help anyone on the street, for them to join the group Whatsapp, and/or call on them if we needed anything (it gave names, numbers and emails of those ready to help). How wonderful! Being fairly new to the street, I felt it was a great idea and really made us feel part of a caring group.

Everyone seems to be pulling together to make the best of the situation. Whether it is with jokes, memes, words of encouragement or empathy, I’ve been struck by the wonderful humanity of it all.

Now is our time to rise to the occasion. Be the best you can possibly be. Help others who are struggling at this moment. Think of who that might be and let them know you are available. Just knowing can be all some people need.

Keep confident and smiling.

We’re all in this together.
