CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

There Is Never Enough Time

Or, there is always enough time, just too many things on your list. Be selective. At one point, your maker will say, ‘time’s up.’ Make sure you have completed the important stuff by that moment.

Having more time seems like a luxury.

Getting more time at the end of a match or exam can be helpful. More time after a difficult diagnosis. The extra hour when clocks fall back in the autumn.

But when it’s time, it’s time.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Be Confident In Your Position

You know what the best path is already. Don’t let others distract you or put you off. Be confident in your position. Carry on with your plans.

Often times we know the best solution to a given situation. We may not have 100% of the information but we need to make the decision. No one ever has 100% of all the relevant and related information. You need to have enough information, and a good feeling about things, to then press on to the conclusion.

I like Colin Powell’s 40-70 rule in this regard. With less than 40% of total information, your odds of making a good decision are lower. Obtaining more than 70% of the total information is time consuming and unlikely to change your decision.

Who knows what ‘total information’ really means? And how does one truly measure 40% or 70%? Don’t get caught up in these things. It is a rule of thumb. Get to where you feel pretty confident in the decision you are about to make. Know that the information you have is accurate and from a good source. Then get on with the decision and move to execution.

Usually you can adjust later if the decision did not bring about the outcome you were looking for.

If you have experts with field experience providing your information, you should be fine.

Be confident in your position.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

How Much Is Enough?

We all start out looking for more. More air, food, water, sleep, stuff, etc. But we don’t always say what enough is. How much is enough?

Take, sleep, for example. How much sleep does one need? Many experts say 6-9 hours of sleep per night on average. But you might be chasing some amazing opportunities. Then your sleep time might go down to 2 or 3 hours per day. After a week like that, you might need a few days with 10 hours of sleep to catch up back to a normal equilibrium.

Money is a topic we discussed in a Clubhouse room on Monday. Often people will set a specific goal to achieve. But once achieved, people don’t always stop. People can get caught up in the chase and forget what they are even chasing.

If your goal is to earn $3 million, could you make $5 million? And if you can make that much, why not use those learned skills to earn more. Soon you could be on the treadmill of more more more and not stop to smell those roses.

It is a good idea to note, at the start, how much of something will be enough. Then you will know when you can let up on the chase and maybe broaden your focus.

How much is enough?