CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Do First Things First

When you need to finish something, get it done first. Do not delay. Do not do other easier things first. Take a deep breath, open the tougher, longer, most important item and get that done. You’ll feel better after (maybe not initially) and you can then speed through the other items.


One Item At A Time

Don’t think about the pile of things to do if you have just come back from holidays. Put a few things in priority order and then start doing the most important one first. Then when you finish, just keep going with the next item and then the next.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Define Words First

If you’re planning something or having a chat, debate or discussion, it’s useful to define the key words first.

Pants in the UK are underwear in Canada. This is a minor but funny one.

When someone says they’ll call you first thing tomorrow, if it’s important, it’s a good idea to confirm an actual time.

One word getting a lot of air time at the moment is the word ban.

In a car context, if I drove on a road with a speed limit, you would not say cars were banned on this road. Yes, there is some regulation of the cars, but most people would not say cars are banned on that road.

If there were construction crews on the road ahead, and traffic was being regulated differently than some other nearby roads, most people would not say cars were banned on this road. They would recognise the different driving conditions, but they would not usually claim that they’ve been banned from that road.

Bear this in mind while consuming news and social media over the days and weeks ahead. Understand what the differences are, especially the limits, as differing limits are not the same as a ban.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Always Go To The Source First

Go look at the source material. Do not allow someone else to give their opinion as fact. As tempting as it might be to accept that version of events, it’s not a good idea.

Sure it would be quicker. But it won’t be as accurate or informative.

Go to the source first.

CategoriesProgressReframe your thoughts

Someone Must Be First

Sometimes it is exciting to be first. In other circumstances it can bring fear. Regardless of how it feels, eventually someone must be first.

Some people seem to love to go first while others shy away. The circumstances are often a factor too. Almost everyone likes to be first in the queue for ice cream or their favourite food. Very few people are itching to go first when its time to give a 5 minute speech.

Some people become inspiring firsts, like Rosa Parks or Neil Armstrong. They lead the way and make it easier for the next person to see themselves in that position.

Where can you be first and make progress in your life or for society?

This morning, I was saddened to read about a young person’s reluctance to be first. The person said they wanted a career in a certain field. The problem, in their eyes, was that there was no one else like them when they were networking and attending events. So rather than decide to be the first one, they chose to withdraw from the career that interested them.

Someone must be first. And it was their chance to be the trailblazer and the inspiration. Their life would be different. Others would have followed. They would not have been ‘the only one’ for long.

Be brave. See the opportunity. Be the trailblazer.
