CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Some Things Flow Well

Sometimes you’ll notice how well things are flowing, like traffic, an airport, or even your thoughts. And other times you’ll notice that it seems like you’re swimming upstream, going against the flow, or struggling to get traction. Aim for flow, as a producer or consumer, because everyone will benefit.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserve

Find Your Flow

What feels right for you? What could you do all the time and feel like it is your thing? You just need to find your flow.

I think most people have had the experience where they feel a part of something. We knew while it was happening that it was something we would love to carry on doing.

This doesn’t even need to be something we are good at either. Though, our feeling toward it suggests we would do it more often than not. And we know that greater exposure and practice will usually lead to improved ability.

So go find your mojo if you’ve lost it. Trace your steps back to your tweens and teens and see what you can find. What brings back the happiest memories? Or feelings of control, confidence or superpower? By exploring these childhood streams of consciousness, you will find what you are looking for.

Sometimes we bury these feelings because it doesn’t seem to be on the path for us. We might even pile twigs and leaves on top to make it hard to ever find again. But you can remove the debris and get the feelings back. You’ll be so glad you did.

Find your flow.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Get Into The Groove

Oh I love that feeling when you’re in that state of flow. When everything is clicking and you’re set to go go go. Get into the groove has a real feeling of being at one with something. It is not just a mid-80’s pop song.

Right now things are going very well. Not much sleep, but a lot of fun and getting a lot of interesting new things done. It is so much easier to glide through a day on little sleep when you are really enjoying things.

It is also easier to push through any challenges. Sometimes they don’t even feel like real challenges.

Getting into this state is not always easy. However, like anything else, with a little practice you can start making it happen more frequently. One of the key insights is to not try too hard to make it happen. You need to let it happen, or flow, naturally.

For me, I know that if I try to slow it down or analyse what I am doing, I make it clunky. So if I am walking with a glass of water and then think I need to be more careful, it can backfire. I can get so caught up in trying to make sure all is fine, that I can then spill it. Strange but true.

Get into the groove. And try to spend more time there.