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Focus On You

If you focus on you and make your life the best it can possibly be (health, fitness, wealth, relationships and spiritual elements), you will be independent and happy. No one will need to come and save you.

But if you focus on others, and let your elements drift and become burdensome, then you’re going to need help from others. You don’t need to do that.

So focus on making your life better every day.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Fear Focus

Expecting disaster in any aspect of life is a good way to invite mental health issues.

Very many newspapers, news radio, news media, some recording artists and many individuals focus on fear and disillusionment. It is a road to horrible.

As Yoda said in Star Wars, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

When you consume trash, expect trash in your system.

You can change this. Ween yourself off of the news. Unless you’ve met someone, or listen to people who have spent significant time with them, then you are being used by the media to think certain things and in certain ways about that person or event.

Of the thousands of pieces of information that they could feed you, they’ll feed you the spiciest so you’ll keep coming back. However, like just about anything in excess, you’ll start to regret having any.

Focus on positive words, reports, sayings, activities and people. Let the rest land where it may, but don’t let it be in your lap.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Focus On Great Outcomes

If you are going to spend any energy on outcomes, spend it thinking about, and hoping for, positive outcomes.

Sure, you can acknowledge that things may not go perfectly well and there may be a few bumps in the road, but certainly don’t dwell on it. A swift acknowledgment that it could happen is enough.

Then put all of your energy and time into thinking about the different ways the amazing outcome is going to improve your life and the lives of others.

Focus on that!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Just The Policy

Calling people names, noting who they married, referening their hair, skin tone, partner preferences or where they went to school, are all weak reasons to like or dislike someone or their point of view.

Listen to the policies they advocate for. Think through the short term implications and the associated longer term ones. Watch what they do. Do they live the policy?

If you reference any of the above external, non-policy points in a discussion, you’ve lost. You may win in popularity, if your followers allow weak arguments. However, you’ll know that you’re not improving the group, yours or the wider societal one.

Keep your points focused on the pros and cons of the policy. It may get less audience reaction, but it will help us all improve our thinking skills and make an actual difference in peoples lives.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Stay On Topic

It’s easy to get distracted. There are lots of fun things to do. Plenty of easy things to do as well. Easy and fun are usually more attractive than hard and boring.

Stay on topic and you can rule your world.

Set up your environment to win. Make it easier and more enjoyable. Change your mindset. Be disciplined. Remain consistent. Persevere. Your success will taste so good. It will taste far better than the short term fluff that may have distracted you. Focus.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Where You Shine Your Light

Be aware of what you highlight and focus on. Just because you shine your light on one spot, doesn’t mean the other million spots you could have highlighted don’t exist. They do.

When people distract you with their preferred stories, you don’t get to work on your life story. Turned down the noise or even turn it off. You don’t need the media, your friends, colleagues, social media and entertainment to distract you.

Shine your light on your work. Stay focused. Get it done. Then take a well deserved break. Before long, get back at it. Everything else is noise distracting you from your dream life.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Focus On The Thing

Gosh it can be hard to get clear and focused sometimes. There are so many interesting things in life. You need to focus on the thing that brings you closer to your goal though.

You need to be clear where you are heading. Then do only those things that get you there. Remove all the extraneous distractions. Once you do this, you will move forward so much quicker.

This week I am reminding myself of the things I need to reduce or stop. There are many things not on the path to my top goals. Some are fun or enjoyable though. Which make them more difficult for me to remove from my day.

However, in order to win and achieve the goal, I need re-focus and commit.

Is there anything you have been aiming for but not really putting the required time or focus into getting it done? Are there too many emails, requests, unnecessary things, keeping you away from the achievement you want most?

This was coming, but today’s Quote Of The Day Show podcast episode really underlined this idea for me today.

Sometimes the Knowing-Doing Gap comes in, sits down and wedges itself between you and your goals. Get back to doing what you know you are supposed to do.

Focus on the thing.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Shifting Your Focus

It can seem odd, natural or fantastic. When you are trying something new, it can be a little uncomfortable. Shifting your focus from one space to another can leave most people wanting a way out.

People make big shifts all the time. It just might not seem like it. We all made a significant shift when we left secondary school. Whether you left in year 7 or after A levels, your next move would have felt like a big one. You may have gone to work, or out as an apprentice or maybe even off to university.

Regardless of where you went, the focus shifted. The standards changed. Your perception of yourself and the perceptions others had of you changed. You might have been considered a school leaver or thought of as university bound. It can be hard to reconcile your new description or tag. Sometimes in life, we won‘t like the description we have been given.

It does not matter though. You need to move on faster, both mentally and in the physical realm. The sooner you can adjust your lenses, the easier you may find it comfortable.

I have been shifting in many ways over the years. From banking, to a corporate role, to a property investor, to a full time Dad, to an author, blogger and now content creator on YouTube. All of these new skills and opportunities.

Shifting your focus can bring lots of excitement into your life.